Which option most accurately evaluates the role of the oregon trail in westward expansion?


Answer 1

The options of the question are, A) its role was essential; fur traders used the trial as means of conducting their trade with minimizing the threat of Native Americans attacks. B) its role was substantial; miners used the trial as a safe route as they attempted to construct a railroad across the West. C) its role was critical. It was the longest and most famous route traveled by the pioneers looking for rich, fertile farmland in the West. D) its role was minimal; some pioneers traveled along this route but many more used the old Spanish.

The correct answer is C) its role was critical. It was the longest and most famous route traveled by the pioneers looking for rich, fertile farmland in th West.

The role of the Oregon trail in the Westward expansion was that its role was critical. It was the longest and most famous route traveled by the pioneers looking for rich, fertile farmland in the West.

The Westward expansion of the United States allowed the construction of the Oregon trail. This trail was a 2,000 wagon road that initiated in Independence Missouri and ended in Oregon City. The trail was also a footpath. This trail was a critical communication path. It was the longest and most famous route traveled by the pioneers looking for rich, fertile farmland in the West in the 1800s.  

Answer 2
Answer: It was the most used trail to get to the West. 

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In China’s civil war, the United States backed___.

Answer: Out of all the options presented above the one that completes and makes the statement above true is answer choice D) the Nationalists, led by Jiang Jieshi. In the year 1928 Jiang becomes president of the Nationalist Republic of China.

I hope it helps, Regards.

What were the main ideas of the reformation?


The main ideas of the Reformation are:

1) To form a church that held simpler, more Bible-based sermons to live daily life by 

2) To break from the often corrupt policies of the Catholic church 

3) To be free of the Roman church of Catholicism 

4) King Henry VIII wanted a male heir which his wife couldn't seem to have so he wanted a divorce which the Catholic Church wouldn't sanction so he created his own church.


People might win salvation solely by religion in gods gift of forgiveness, the church instructed that religion and sensible works were required for salvation. All church teachings should clearly brace the words of the bible each the pope and church traditions were false authorities. All folks with religion were equal so, individuals failed to want priests to interpret the bible for them.



The main ideas of the Reformation were to fight against the corruption coming from the Catholic Church, which through the sale of indulgences profited economically, which caused discomfort among many faithful followers of the Catholic Church.

This sale of indulgences consisted in the payment by the faithful for their sins to be forgiven.

Among the main ideas of the Reformation was the free interpretation of the sacred scriptures, besides that according to Luther, salvation could be given by the Faith. Such reforms were printed in the 95 thesis by Martin Luther himself, which led him to to be declared a heretic and to be excommunicated by the Catholic Church.

Unlike the system of justice in the united states , medieval justice sometimes relied upon


Generally speaking, unlike the system of justice in the united states, medieval justice sometimes relied upon "divine law," in which the criminal justice system was based on religious faith. 

Select the TWO groups that formed the largest part of the factory labor force during the Industrial Revolution.slaves


It was primarily "men" and "children" who formed the largest part of the factory labor force during the Industrial Revolution, since much of this took place before the government started regulating things like harsh labor conditions and child labor. 


women and children


Which event in the history of the Indiansubcontinent occurred last?
(1) Salt March
(2) Amritsar Massacre
(3) creation of Pakistan
(4) Sepoy Rebellion


(3) creation of Pakistan is your answer

The correct answer is 3, as the event that occurred last in the history of the Indian subcontinent was the creation of Pakistan.

May 10, 1857 --- Sepoy Rebellion

The Sepoy Rebellion began on May 10, 1857, in the quartering of the town of Meerut.

April 13, 1919 --- Amritsar Massacre

The Amritsar Massacre was a massacre in the city of Amritsar on April 13, 1919, when soldiers of the British Indian Army commanded by General Reginald Dyer machine-gunned a crowd of thousands of unarmed men, women and children, who were gathered in the garden of Jallianwala for the festival of Vaisakhi.

March 12, 1930 --- Salt March

The Salt March was a demonstration led by Mahatma Gandhi and carried out between March 12 and April 6, 1930. This march became one of the most important events that led to the independence of India from the British Empire.

August 14, 1947 --- Creation of Pakistan

In 1947 Pakistan gained independence and became the nation of Muslims who lived in the eastern and western regions of India.

One of the worst defeats for the patriots came at the battle of..


I think it is "Battle of Camden"