Which word best completes the conversation? Carla: Ayer te mandé un correo electrónico. ¿Lo ______________?
Jaime: Sí, recibí tu correo electrónico.

Answer choices:


Answer 1

Right answer: recibiste

This is a conversation between two persons, Carla and Jaime.

Where Carla makes a question in past, we know this because of the word ayer (yesterday) at the beginning of the sentence and because the verb mandar (to send) is written in past as mandé (I sent):

Ayer te mandé un correo electrónico (Yesterday I sent you an email)

Now, if you send something to someone, that thing must be received. Therefore, the correct verb is recibiste in past.

The complete conversation is:

Carla: Ayer te mandé un correo electrónico. ¿(Tú) Lo recibiste?

Yesterday I sent you an email. Did you receive it?

Jaime: Sí, recibí tu correo electrónico.

Yes, I received your email

The options mandaste (you sent), recibieron (you received - in plural) and mandaron (you sent - in plural) are incorrect because although are in past tense they do not match with the personal pronoun of the sentence, which is tú (you).

Answer 2


D. Recibiste


I did the test and got it right!

Hope this helps!
Have a great day!

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Different text types for writing in spanish ib b sl



1. Artículo periodístico: "El impacto del cambio climático en América Latina"

2. Crónica de viaje: "Explorando las maravillas de Machu Picchu"

3. Ensayo argumentativo: "La importancia de la educación inclusiva en el siglo XXI"

4. Reseña literaria: "Análisis de la obra 'Cien años de soledad' de Gabriel García Márquez"

5. Carta formal: "Solicitud de empleo para el puesto de gerente de marketing"

6. Informe de investigación: "El uso de las redes sociales en el mercado laboral"

7. Discurso persuasivo: "La importancia de votar en las elecciones"

8. Diario personal: "Reflexiones sobre mi año sabático en el extranjero"

9. Crítica cinematográfica: "Análisis de la película 'El laberinto del fauno'"

10. Entrevista ficticia: "Conversación con Frida Kahlo: rescatando su legado artístico"

Final answer:

Different text types for writing in Spanish IB B SL include descriptive writing, narrative writing, argumentative writing, expository writing, and persuasive writing.


In the SpanishIB B SL curriculum, students are expected to be proficient in various text types for writing. These text types include:

  1. Descriptive Writing: This involves describing people, places, objects, or events using vivid language and sensory details. It aims to create a clear and vivid image in the reader's mind.
  2. Narrative Writing: This involves telling a story or recounting an event using a clear beginning, middle, and end. It aims to engage the reader and evoke emotions.
  3. Argumentative Writing: This involves presenting a claim or opinion and supporting it with evidence and logical reasoning. It aims to persuade the reader to agree with the writer's viewpoint.
  4. Expository Writing: This involves explaining or informing the reader about a specific topic or concept. It aims to provide factual information in a clear and organized manner.
  5. Persuasive Writing: This involves convincing the reader to adopt a certain viewpoint or take a specific action. It aims to influence the reader's thoughts or behavior.

These text types are important for developing language skills and expressing ideas effectively in written form.

Learn more about text types for writing in spanish ib b sl here:



El televisor __________ en la sala.


el televisor esta en la sala.
Estate end LA Sala

The TV is in the living room

Ana y Claudia __________ traen. (los manteles) nos. lo. las. los


Answer: The right answer is the D) Los.

Explanation: Just to elaborate a little on the answer, it can be added that the pronoun that correctly replaces the noun "manteles" is "los." "Manteles" is masculine and plural, so option B and C can be discarded ("lo" is singular and "las" is feminine). In addition, since it is not said if they are bringing the tablecloths for someone in particular, and since you are looking for a word that specifically replaces tablecloths, option A is also incorrect, since "nos" refers to us (they bring them to us). "Los," which is in the accusative case, is, therefore, the correct option, and it replaces the direct object "manteles."

Ana y Claudia Los traen. (los manteles) nos. lo. las. los

What does ayudando mean?


Ayudando means helping!
Yeah it means helping

Mi hermano y yo ______(tocar) la guitarra. a tocas b toca c tocamos d toco


the answer is d because when you talk about yourself in spanish it ends with “o”
The correct answer is c because you are talking about your brother and you, so is referring “us”with the letter c
The translation is “ My brother and I play the guitar.”

Which of these is eaten more commonly 'en el desayuno?"


I'm not really sure what you're asking lol but common breakfast (desayuno) foods are: el tocino, los huevos, and el pan tostado. Common drinks are el jugo de naranja and la leche.

idk i am thinking toasto

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