Luis miguel es actor.


Answer 1


Luis Miguel es actor. Esto es cierto pero incompleto. Pues es más famoso por ser cantante. Fue actor de pequeño.


Luis Miguel es actor. Esto es cierto pero incompleto. Pues es más famoso por ser cantante. Fue actor de pequeño.

Luis Miguel is a worldwide famous singer. He's become famous in Mexico and most people consider him Mexican although he was born in Puerto Rico. He started acting as a child but what made him famous was his singing. He's one of the most famous Latin-American singers of all times, specially for his romantic "boleros". He had a very difficult childhood and upbringing with a very complex relationship with his father. Apart from that, his mother disappeared inexplicably. Up until today there's mystery regarding her whereabouts. Some people believe his father was linked to her disappearance.

Answer 2
Answer: luis miguel es cantante, compositor, productor & actor

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The right conjugation of the verb "ir" in past tense that applies for the sentence is:

  • Íbamos.

- Nosotros íbamos frecuentemente al cine.


The translation of the sentence in the answer is:

- We frequently went to the movies.

There are two types of past common in Spanish, the simple preterite and the imperfect preterite, the conjugation of the verb "ir" in the two forms is presented below:

Personal pronoun Simple preterite/Imperfect preterite.

  • Yo fui/iba.
  • fuiste/ibas.
  • Él fue/iba.
  • Ella fue/iba.
  • Ello fue/iba.
  • Nosotros fuimos/íbamos.
  • Ellos fueron/iban.

How you can see, there are two conjugations forms that apply for the personal pronoun "nosotros", but because the verb "fuimos" it is not usually used with the word "frecuentemente", the correct option is "íbamos".

the answer is " fuimos"

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Laura le escribe un correo electrónico a la tía Julieta

Yo le mando unas fotos a mi hermana

Nosotros le pedimos dinero a mis padres

Mi hermana le confirma el vuelo a mis abuelos

La agente de viajes prepara el itinerario para nosotros


I. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate vocabulary in Spanish. Think about what you have learned so far. When you finish, record the sentences aloud. 1. The opposite of cierren is . 2. ¿Qué tienes que hacer hoy? — que estudiar. 3. The opposite of antes is . 4. Yo toco la . 5. Voy a la playa de vez en . 6. Yo (come) a clase todos los días. 7. Click = . 8. Escriban en la . 9. The teacher is telling the students to sit down: . 10. Yo (plan) traer galletas a la fiesta. II. Record your answers to the following questions with complete sentences in Spanish. When there are cues provided, use them in your answer. Make sure to write out your answers before recording them. 1. ¿Qué piensas hacer esta noche? (go to a party) 2. ¿A qué hora tienen Uds. que estudiar? (at 7 o'clock) 3. ¿Qué vas a traer a la fiesta? (games) 4. Tell a friend to read the correct answer. 5. Tell your friends to wake up. 6. ¿Con qué frecuencia estudias en la biblioteca? (often) 7. ¿A qué hora vienes a la escuela? (8 o'clock) 8. ¿Cuándo vas a bailar el tango? (now) 9. ¿Por qué vienen Uds. a la fiesta? (to sing and dance) 10. Tell your friends to take notes.


2.Hoy tengo que estudiar.
4. Yo toco la guitarra
5. Voy a la playa de en vez de quedarme en la casa.
6. Yo voy a clase todos los dias.
7. Cliqua =
8. Escriben en la pantalla.
9. La maestra esta diciendo a los estudiantes que se sienten.
10. Yo planeo traer galletas a la fiesta.

1. Esta noche, yo planeo a ir a una fiesta.
2. A las 7, tengo que estudiar.
3.Voy a traer juegos a la fiesta.
4. Yo le dije a un amigo que leyera mis respuestas.
5. Yo le dije a mis amigos que se despiertan.
6. Yo voy a la biblioteca para estudiar a menudo..
7.  Yo tengo que ir a la escuela a las 8.
8. Ahorita, voy a bailar el tango.
9. Viene a la fiesta para bailar y cantar.
10. Yo le dije a mis amigos que toman notas.

1. Lupe, Rosa y Tomás son (bueno) amigos. 2. Ignacio es (alto) y (guapo).
3. Laura y Virginia son (bajo) y (delgado).
4. Pedro y Vanessa son (moreno), pero Diana es (pelirrojo).
5. Nosotras somos (inteligente) y (trabajador).
6. Esos (Those) chicos son (simpático), pero son (tonto).


These are the complete sentences with its adjectives:

  1. Lupe, Rosa y Tomás son buenos (bueno) amigos.
  2. Ignacio es alto (alto) y guapo (guapo).
  3. Laura y Vir son bajas (bajo) y delgadas (delgado).
  4. Pedro y Vanessa son morenos (moreno), pero Diana es pelirroja (pelirrojo).
  5. Nosotras somos inteligentes (inteligente) y trabajadoras (trabajador).
  6. Esos (Those) chicos son simpáticos (simpático), pero son tontos (tonto).

Spanish adjectives

You have to complete the sentences using the Spanish adjectives that are in brackets. The adjectives have to agree with the noun they describe in gender and number.

Check more information about Spanish adjectives here


1. Lupe, Rosa y Tomás son (bueno) amigos. The form of the adjective 'bueno' (good) is incorrect

2. Ignacio es (alto) y (guapo). The forms of the adjectives 'alto' (tall) and 'guapo' (handsome) are correct.

3. Laura y Virginia son (bajo) y (delgado). The forms of the adjectives 'bajo' (short) and 'delgado' (thin) are incorrect

4. Pedro y Vanessa son (moreno), pero Diana es (pelirrojo). The forms of the adjectives 'moreno' (having black skin) and 'pelirrojo' (red-haired) are incorrect

5. Nosotras somos (inteligente) y (trabajador). The form of the adjectives 'inteligente' (intelligent) and 'trabajador' (hard-working) are incorrect

6. Esos (Those) chicos son (simpático), pero son (tonto). The forms of the adjectives 'simpático' (nice) and 'tonto' (silly) are incorrect.



In the first sentence, 'Lupe, Rosa y Tomás son (bueno) amigos.', the adjective (adjective is a feature of a person or object) 'bueno' (good) needs to take a final -s (buenos) to pluralize for it is a rule from Spanish grammar that adjectives take plural form when the subject (subject is the person who the sentence speaks about) is plural. In this case the subject is made up of three people (plural) together: 'Lupe, Rosa y Tomàs'


This second sentence, 'Ignacio es (alto) y (guapo).' is correct for the subject is only one person (singular) and therefore the adjectives 'alto' (tall) and 'guapo' (handsome) are in the singular forms (in other words, without -s at the end)


This third case, 'Laura y Virginia son (bajo) y (delgado).', is similar to the first one for we have a subject made up of two people (plural), 'Laura and Virginia' and thus the adjectives 'bajo' (short) and 'delgado' (thin) should have to pluralize (take a final -s to form the plural form): 'Laura y Virginia son (bajas) y (delgadas).'. On the other hand, as we are talking about two women, the adjectives need to take female reference as well (in Spanish, female reference is achieved by adding 'a' instead of 'o' to the end of adjectives. For example: bajo- refers to a short man; baja-refers to a short woman; delgado-thin man; delgada-thin woman)


In this fourth case, 'Pedro y Vanessa son (moreno), pero Diana es (pelirrojo).', we are talking about two people together functioning as subject: 'Pedro y Vanessa'. As they are two (plural), the adjective 'moreno' (having black skin colour) needs to take plural form by adding a final -s: 'Pedro y Vanessa son morenos'.

In the second part of this sentence,'...pero Diana es pelirrojo.' we have to change the final vowel of the adjective from 'o' into 'a', so that it changes from referring to a man 'pelirrojo' (man with red hair) to a woman 'pelirroja' (woman with red hair)


In this fifth case, 'Nosotras somos (inteligente) y (trabajador).', once again there is a plural subject 'Nosotras'. However, the adjectives 'inteligente' (intelligent) and 'trabajador' (hard-working) make reference to only one person (singular). In order to solve this problem, we have to add a final -s to the adjectives so that we get 'inteligentes' and 'trabajadoras'


In this sixth case, 'Esos (Those) chicos son (simpático), pero son (tonto).', there is a plural subject 'Esos chicos' (Those boys). However, the adjectives 'simpàtico' (nice) and 'tonto' (silly) are in their singular forms when they should be in the plural forms (adding a final -s at the end): 'simpáticos' and 'tontos'