Which of the following correctly sequences the stages of engine operation? A. Intake, power, compression, exhaust
B. Exhaust, compression, intake, power
C. Power, intake, compression, exhaust
D. Intake, compression, power, exhaust


Answer 1
Answer: intake compression power- you know what its D
Answer 2








Therefore, the correct answer choice is D.

+ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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This new element belongs to the group 2.


In the periodic table, the vertical columns are called groups (or families). The elements in the same group share similar chemical and physical properties.

One of these properties is the same amount of outer valence electrons.

For example, in the group 1 the elements have 1 outer valence electron (If we assume that the element is in a neutral state which is without electrical charges).

If this new element has 2 electrons in its outer level it will belong to the group 2. The group 2 is well-known as alkaline earth metals.

For example, the magnesium (Mg) and the calcium (Ca) belong to the group 2.

Assuming the 2 valence electrons are of the neutral state of the new element, the element would belong in Group 2, the Alkaline Earth Metals.

Which term refers to the time interval between the passage of successive wave crests? a. wave height
b. wave period
c. wave speed
d. wavelength


I believe the correct answer from the choices listed above is option B. The term that refers to the time interval between the passage of successive wave crests would be wave period. It is the time for a particle on a medium to make one complete vibrational cycle. 

2 What does how much, how
long and how
often have to do with exposure to chemicals?


Well how much, how long, and how often  

For example how much is like how much a object is left in a small room with chemicals

How long is the time

how often is how much the same cycle is done repeatedly

A steel block has a volume of 0.08 m³ and a density of 7,840 kg/m³. What is the force of gravity acting on the block (the weight) in water?


d=(m)/(V)\n \n 0.08 = (m)/(7,840)\rightarrow m=0.08 * 7,840=627.2 \ kg

\vec{F_g}=m.\vec{g}=627.2 *9.8=6,146.56 \ N
Density = 7840 kg per m³
Volume = 0.08 m³
Mass = 0.08 of 7840 kg = 627.2 kg

Now I'm going to give you the correct answer to your question, and then,
after that, I'm also going to give you the answer you expect.

The correct answer is:  (Ryan2 the Expert in Answer #1 is correct) . . . . .

The force of gravity on a mass doesn't depend on what it's sunk in, surrounded by,
hanging from, or resting on.  As long as it's on or near the Earth's surface, the force
of gravity acting on it is the same, no matter what else is around.

Force of gravity (weight) = (mass) x (gravity) = 627.2 kg x 9.8 m/s² = 6146.56 newtons

The apparent weight is less, because when it's immersed in a fluid, there's
a buoyant force acting on it, which cancels part of the force of gravity.

The buoyant force = weight of the displaced water.

Assume the density of water is 1 kg per liter = 1,000 kg per m³.

Then the weight of 0.08 m³ of water is (80 kg x 9.8 m/s²) = 784 newtons.

This is the upward buoyant force on the steel when it's in water,
and it makes the steel seem 784 newtons lighter in water.  So the
apparent weight of the steel in water is

6146.56 minus 784 = 5362.56 newtons.

That's why you can pick up your big brother in the swimming pool.
The force of gravity on him doesn't change, but the buoyant force
in the water balances part of the force of gravity, and makes him
seem to weigh less.

If he could blow himself up like a balloon, and displace enough water
to weigh just as much as he really does, then the buoyant force would
cancel his weight completely, and he would totally float !

That's how steel ships float in water.  They're shaped in a shape that can
displace a lot of water.  The whole secret is in the shape.

Which kind of waves are sound vibrations made of?transverse


The answer is longitudinal. There are two types of waves: transverse and longitudinal. Transverse waves are those whose vibrations are perpendicular to the direction of the wave. Longitudinal or compression waves are those whose vibrations are in the same direction as the wave. Sound is caused by the compression of vibrations of molecules.




In an atom where are the electrons with less energy most likely located?


We have to be very careful here !

An electron that has any energy can go galavanting around on its own, sight-seeing
and doing its own thing. That's not the situation with the electrons in an atom.  The
energy of every electron in an atom is negative ... it "owes" the atom energy, and
that's why it stays bound to it. You have to pull on the electron ... give it some more
energy ... in order to break it free from the atom.

The electrons that are way out in the outer orbits are the easiest to rip away from the
atom ... they don't "owe" the atom much, their energy is the least negative, and you
don't have to give them much to settle their debt and release them from the atom.

The electrons that are down deep, closest to the nucleus, are the most tightly bound.
They're the ones whose energy is the most negative, and it takes a team of horses to
pull them free of the atom.

I know I'm going to catch flak for this answer, but I do believe it's the most technically
correct one: The electrons with the least energy are the ones whose energy is most
negative ... those in the first orbital, down deep in the atom, close to the nucleus.