Which is a characteristic of a short story?A. It includes larger than life characters.
B. It includes a lesson to follow in life
C. It contain particular features within the plot
D. It tells about a real event

I think its b or c


Answer 1


It contains a particular feature within the plot.

Explanation:A short story is usually a blend of a single plot, incident, limited characters and very specific themes indicating towards a particular issue or conflict. It may or may not be about a real event. In fact Sometimes these stories portray a real event with a twist or a real event is represented through certain fictional characters. Consequently, may or may not provide a lesson to life as very often we see numerous stories written merely for entertainment, for example the fairy tales which not always necessarily offer a moral lesson to the kids. Apart from these, the plot of a short story contains special features due to its form like focusing on a single event with limited characters and pre-specified climax and themes.

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A) functional paragraph


Within the formal structure of the text, they play a role not so much in content development, but rather in keeping the informational fabric organized and related to each other. They tend to be paragraphs of short length that help to guide the exposition of thought, linking paragraphs with others to contribute to the unity, cohesion and coherence of the text. These paragraphs do not have a thematic sentence that expresses a central idea, since their sentences only collaborate with the development of the main propositions contained in the informative paragraphs that precede them or follow them.

A functional paragraph may consist soley of dialogue or quotation.

What effect did orpheus music have on people and gods give two examples


Orpheus' music had the ability to charm all living things, including people and gods. It had a powerful effect on all people. When Orpheus traveled to the underworld to retrieve his wife, his music softened the hearts of Hades and Persephone. When Orpheus traveled with the Argonauts, he was able to save them from the Sirens by playing music that was louder and even more enchanting.

Orpheus's music is able to charm everything including people and gods. In the poem it says, "Thus did the forest denizens though wild,/ Acknowledge music's gentle influence...Orpheus chief was pleased, the nymphs to see,/ And, fairest of them all, Eurydice." In this excerpt, Orpheus's musical influence is shown when the forest calms and the nymphs are entranced. When Orpheus goes the entrance to the Underworld, Charon tells him that he  swore not to let any living being into his boat to cross the river. However, Orpheus takes begins to play music and "when Charon heard it, he plied fast his oar, / Orpheus he took on board, and pushed from shore. / Then Charon ferried him across the stream." Orpheus's music charmed Charon just as it does any living thing.

Further Explanation

The Story of Orpheus and Eurydice

Orpheus falls in love with Eurydice, who is bitten by a poisonous snake on their wedding day. Overcome with grief and desire for his wife, Orpheus travels to the Underworld to rescue Eurydice. He uses his musical gift to charm people and gods along his way to be successful. He is given permission to bring Eurydice out of the Underworld as long as she walks behind him and he doesn't look back until they're out. He can't resist temptation, glances back, and Eurydice is forever dead.

The poem is a cautionary tale about the evils of desire and temptation as the consequences of Orpheus's one look prevents Eurydice from returning.

Answer Details:

Subject: English

Level: High School

Course: Mythology


Orpheus, Eurydice, music, Underworld, Mythology

Learn More:

How Orpheus used music: brainly.com/question/2901346

Hyperbole in Orpheus: brainly.com/question/1799635

Why Orpheus rescued Eurydice: brainly.com/question/1524858

Which option below demonstrates an imperative? A. Loss something every day. B. I lost my mother's watch. C. I lost two cities, lovely ones. D. All of the above.


D-because imperative means something important and all of the choices are important (maybe even losing your mom's watch because it was important to her).