How were Japanese-Americans treated during World War ii


Answer 1
Answer: badly they were harrased and racially exluded because they were technically asian
Answer 2
Answer: poorly, they were put in concentration camps because most were suspected of being spies. they lost their homes and often families as they had to stay in these confined areas until the end of world war II when they were released. 

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Why do you think women led the mob against foulon?



The violence in Paris continues as Dickens again fictionalizes historical events. Joseph-Francois Foulon was an actual person who orchestrated his own funeral and was later killed in the way Dickens describes. His mock funeral and subsequent capture conveniently tie in to the resurrection theme found throughout A Tale of Two Cities. In describing Foulon, Dickens is sympathetic. Foulon is an elderly "wretched old sinner"who continues "entreating and beseeching for mercy"as the crowd drags him through the streets.

The mob, however, has no mind to understand mercy. Dickens depicts the process of people being transformed by the mob, stressing the change taking place in the women, who he believes should be the moral center of society. He describes the women as "a sight to chill the boldest"as they "lashed into blind frenzy, whirled about, striking and tearing at their own friends until they dropped into a passionate swoon."

Madame Defarge is especially disturbing, for she is the one woman who seems to keep her sense of self. As she plays a game of cat and mouse with Foulon, she watches him "silently and composedly"as he begs for mercy. Her behavior here demonstrates her heartlessness and potential for cruelty, preparing us for her ruthlessness in Book III.

Final answer:

Women led the mob against Foulon due to the impact of his policies on them, their active involvement in the French Revolution, and their fight against gender inequalities.


The mob against Foulon was led by women due to several reasons. Firstly, women were heavily affected by Foulon's policies and actions. Foulon was notorious for his harsh treatment of the French peasantry, and women, as an integral part of the peasantry, bore the brunt of his oppressive measures. The scarcity of food and high prices due to Foulon's actions disproportionately impacted women and their families.

Secondly, women played a significant role in the French Revolution as a whole. They participated in protests, marches, and demonstrations, advocating for their rights and demanding social and political change. Women were active contributors to the revolutionary movement, and it is not surprising that they would also lead the mob against Foulon.

Lastly, women's involvement in the mob against Foulon can be seen as a reaction to the deeply ingrained gender inequalities of the time. By taking a prominent role in the protest and leading the mob, women challenged societal norms and fought for their rights and the rights of their fellow citizens.

Learn more about Women leading the mob against Foulon here:


Why did the demand for cotton from tropical countries such as India increase in Europe after the start of the industrial revolution?A. The price of cotton fell sharpening Asia and North America
B. Birmingham Britain declined in favor of industries
C. The textile industry emerged in Britton
D. Many textile factories were born Asia during this period


Final answer:

The demand for cotton from tropical countries like India increased in Europe during the Industrial Revolution due to the falling price of cotton, the emergence of the textile industry in Britain, and the growth of textile factories in Asia.


The demand for cotton from tropical countries such as India increased in Europe after the start of the Industrial Revolution due to multiple factors:

  • The price of cotton fell sharply: The mechanization and improved technology in the textile industry reduced the cost of producing cotton goods, making them more affordable and increasing demand.
  • The textile industry emerged in Britain: With the growth of the textile industry in Britain, there was a greater need for cotton as a raw material to be processed and turned into finished goods.
  • Many textile factories were born in Asia during this period: Industrialization also occurred in other parts of the world, such as Asia, leading to an increased demand for raw cotton grown in tropical countries.

Learn more about Demand for cotton in Europe after the industrial revolution here:


C. The textile industry emerged in briton

how did president eisenhower respond to the refusal to desegregate central high school in rock,arkansa?


He sent the National Guard to the high school in Little Rock, Arkansas. There, the national guard escorted the African American students into the school and all the way to their classes.


He sent troops



You are an archaeologist digging for artifacts to learn more about early agrarian societies. You uncover various minerals and shells. What might these artifacts tell you about a society?


If they traded with other communities.

Which statement best describes sustainable development? Sustainable development is development that focuses on increasing the wealth of LDCs. Sustainable development is development that focuses on increasing the wealth of MDCs. Sustainable development is development that focuses on meeting the current resource needs of the world's population. Sustainable development is development that meets the world's current needs while making sure that resources will be available to meet future needs.



Sustainable development is development that meets the world's current needs while making sure that resources will be available to meet future needs.


  • Sustainable advancement is essential as it preserves the state resources, meets the requirement of people, preserves physical sources, assists in the coordination among the natural resources and people and conserves natural resources for the future generation.
  • Sustainable development aims to match our financial, environmental and common requirements, enabling accomplishment for now and future generations.

Final answer:

Sustainable development is a comprehensive approach that emphasizes meeting the world's current needs without compromising future generations' ability to do the same. It combines economic growth, environmental conservation, and social equity. It's promoted by international organizations as a solution to global challenges like poverty and environmental degradation.


The statement that best describes sustainable development is 'Sustainable development is development that meets the world's current needs while making sure that resources will be available to meet future needs.' This concept involves a delicate balance of economic progress, environmental protection, and social equity. Rather than focusing solely on the wealth increase of Less Developed Countries (LDCs) or More Developed Countries (MDCs), sustainable development seeks to address the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

Efforts to achieve sustainable development include improving the efficiency of resource use, minimizing waste, and ensuring that physical and human capital is replenished for future use. This process often involves innovative technologies, regulatory intervention, and adjustments in production practices. Organizations like the UN and the EU, as well as many individual governments, actively promote sustainable development as a means of resolving global issues such as poverty and environmental degradation.

This approach differs greatly from traditional development, which often prioritizes economic growth over sustainability. While economic advancement is important, sustainable development emphasizes that such progress should not come at the expense of the environment or future generations. Therefore, sustainable development is far more than just an economic strategy; it's a comprehensive approach to improving society while maintaining the health of our planet.

Learn more about Sustainable Development here: