What type of machine is a rake?A.Mechanical Machine
B.Complex Machine
C.Compound Machine
D.Simple Machine


Answer 1

A rake is a simple machine. Thus, the correct option is D.

What is a Simple machine?

A simple machine is a mechanical device which changes the direction or magnitude of an applied force. In general, these machines can be defined as the simplest mechanisms which uses mechanical advantage also called as leverage to multiply the force. Usually the term refers to the six classical simple machines which were defined by Renaissance scientists including lever, wheel and axle, pulley, inclined plane, wedge, and screw.

A simple machine uses a single applied force to do the work against a single load force or friction. Ignoring the friction losses, the work done on the load force is equal to the work done by the applied force.

Therefore, the correct option is D.

Learn more about Simple machine here:



Answer 2
Answer: D.Simple Machine, is right.

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These types include gamma rays, x-rays, ultraviolet, infrared, microwaves and radio waves. Together with visible light, all these types of radiation make up what we call the electromagnetic spectrum - the complete spectrum of radiation.
Radio waves, microwaves, infrared waves, visible light, ultraviolet, x-rays, and gamma rays.

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These are the main points. I hope this will help you! ❤️.

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exo-outside, like exoskeleton

it tells where the energy goes

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endo, energy is absorged

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omg people just trying to help but sending me offinsive comments Really like your any better you dont know every answer get off my case Im sorry if i got it  wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

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2)A slanted vector has a magnitude of 41 N and is at an angle of 23 degrees north of east. What are the magnitude and direction of the horizontal and vertical components of this vector?

3)A horizontal component vector has a magnitude of 11 m. If the resultant vector forms and angle with this component of 19 degrees, what is the magnitude of the resultant vector?


1) The distance of the store from the house is 4.47 blocks

2) The horizontal component of the vector is 37.7 N, the vertical component is 16.0 N

3) The magnitude of the resultant vector is 11.6 m



Jeremy's motion is divided into two parts:

- First, a motion of 4 blocks east

- Then, a motion of 2 blocks south

Here we want to measure the distance between the initial and final position of Jeremy.

We notice that the two displacements are perpendicular to each other, so they correspond to the sides of a right triangle, of which the hypothenuse is the distance between the initial and final point. Therefore, the distance can be found by using Pythagorean's theorem:


So, 4.47 blocks.


The horizontal and vertical components of the vector can be calculated as

v_x = v cos \theta

v_y = v sin \theta


v = 41 N is the magnitude of the vector

\theta=23^(\circ) is the angle between the direction of the vector and the x-axis (which corresponds to the east direction)

Substituting numbers into the equations, we find

v_x = (41)(cos 23)=37.7 N

v_y = (41)(sin 23)=16.0 N


In the previous part, we said that the horizontal component of a vector is given by

v_x = v cos \theta


v is the magnitude of the vector

\theta is the angle

In this problem we know that:

v_x = 11 m is the horizontal component

\theta=19^(\circ) is the angle

Therefore, we can re-arrange the equation to find v, the magnitude of the resultant vector:

v=(v_x)/(cos \theta)=(11)/(cos 19)=11.6 m

Learn more about vectors here:




Why cant the moon be eclipsed when it is halfway between the nodes of its orbit?


The reason why the moon can't be eclipsed when it's halfway between the nodes of the orbit because the moon's orbit is at it's maximum deviation, meaning that it is leaving it's course from the sun's path, which would make the shadow fall way below or above the moon. Because of that, the moon can't eclipsed.

Final answer:

The Moon cannot be eclipsed when it is halfway between the nodes of its orbit due to its 5° tilt relative to the ecliptic. Eclipses can only happen during 'eclipse season' when the Moon's path crosses the ecliptic. The apparent varying sizes of the Moon and Sun from Earth also factor into whether an eclipse can occur.


The Moon cannot be eclipsed when it is halfway between the nodes of its orbit because of the tilt in its orbit relative to the ecliptic, or the path of the Sun on the celestial sphere. The Moon's orbit is tilted by about 5° relative to the ecliptic. So, if you imagine two hula hoops with a common center, representing the orbits of the Moon and Sun, they are tilted slightly towards each other. This means that most months, the Moon is above or below the ecliptic plane and thus cannot enter into Earth's shadow for an eclipse to occur.

Only when the path of the Moon crosses the ecliptic, during what's known as an 'eclipse season', can eclipses occur. This happens twice a year. In other words, an eclipse can only happen if the Moon is at or very near to one of the nodes of its orbit when it is at full for a lunar eclipse or new for a solar eclipse.

An additional factor causing the Moon to avoid being eclipsed is the varying apparent sizes of the Sun and the Moon from our viewpoint. At times, the Moon appears smaller than the Sun, meaning it can't entirely cover the Sun even with perfect alignment for a total solar eclipse to occur. This is known as an 'annular eclipse' that leaves a ring of sunlight visible around the Moon.

Learn more about Lunar Eclipses here:



How can you calculate distance when given power, time, and mass?Power used to lift crate is 3490, mass of crate is 425 kg, time is 3 seconds. How far was the crate lifted?


First step:         Power = (work done) / (time to do the work).

                 3490 watts = (work done) / (3 seconds)

     3490 joules/second = (work done) / (3 seconds)

Multiply each side by 3 seconds:

     Work done = (3490 x 3) joules  =  10,470 joules 

Second step:       Weight = (mass) x (gravity)

                 Weight of the crate = (425 kg) x (9.8 m/s²)

                                              =  4165 newtons

Step 3:     Work done  =  (force) x (distance)

                                 =  (weight) x (distance lifted)

            10,470 joules  =  (4165 newtons) x (distance)

Divide each side by 4165 newtons:

       Distance = 10,470 kg-m²/sec² / 4165 kg-m/s²

                     =        2.514... meters  (rounded)

You asked:  "How can you calculate ... ?"
Notice that I did the same thing in all 3 steps ... write down the formula
for finding a quantity, then write the numbers you know into the formula
to find the quantity. 

THAT's "how", and it all boils down to knowing the formulas and picking
the right one to work with.  The right one to pick is the one that talks about
all (or most) of the quantities that you know AND the quantity that you're
trying to find. 

For example, if you need to find how long it will take your turtle to walk
across the room, then you need a formula that talks about time, speed,
and distance.  You would not get much help from the formula that talks
about the pressure and volume of a gas, or one that talks about the
frequency and wavelength of light waves, or Einstein's formula  E=mc² 
for the equivalency of mass and energy.

Can magnets pick up all kinds of materials?


Well it depends it has to be some kind of metal material if not then it will not pick it up Hope this helps:)