Why do you think slaves were punished for not eating


Answer 1
Answer: Slaves were required to work and if they did not eat they therefore became weak
Answer 2
Answer: If you are talking about slavery in antebellum US, the slaves' values in the slave trade would decrease if not eating. This is because not eating would decrease strength and muscle. 

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Animals probably tore the bags open because they were searching for food
My inference would be that an animal had been through the garbage, I'd guess it's most likely a raccoon from the torn bags. I would also infer the animal most likely went through the bags from the night before, since raccoons are primarily nocturnal, and if it did happen the day before I would've noticed it beforehand. 

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Step 1. Determine if you are already a U.S. citizen. Step 2. Determine if you are eligible to become a U.S. citizen. Step 3. Prepare your Form N-400, Application for Naturalization. Step 4. Submit your Form N-400, Application for Naturalization. Step 5. Go to the biometrics appointment, if applicable. Step 6. Complete the interview. Step 7.


1. Determine if you are already a U.S. citizen

2. Determine if you are eligible to become a U.S. citizen.

3. Prepare your Form N - 400, Application for Naturalization

4. Submit your Form N - 400, Application for Naturalization and fees

5. Go to the biometrics appointment, if applicable

6. Complete the interview

7. Receive a decision from U.S.C.I.S on your Form N - 400, Application for Naturalization

8. Receive a notice to take the Oath of Allegiance

9. Take the Oath of Allegiance to the United States

10. Understanding U.S. citizenship

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