Ty is reading a myth. He wants to learn about the cultural context of the myth-tellers. To do so, he will write a question about each of the four aspects of cultural context. He has written the following question:In what kind of housing did the people of this culture live?
Which aspect of cultural context does the question address?
A. setting
B. lifestyle
C. customs
D. values


Answer 1
Answer: I think its B because the question says ''in what kind of house'' so that counts as lifestyle I hope it works.
Answer 2

I agree that the correct answer is B. This could easily be confused as addressing the setting, but "types of housing" seems generalized. Therefore, it is addressing details of lifestyle rather than a fixed particular setting.

I am currently taking this test as well haha, good luck ! :)

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match each universal symbol with its meaning. 1. life or rebirth 2. old age or death 3. a decision or change 4. passion or death answers :winter :red :water :crossroads


  • Passion or Death - Red: In most Western countries, red represents feelings of love and passion; however, in South Africa the color red represents death and mourning.
  • Life or Rebirth - Water: Water symbolizes the origin of life, rebirth, fecundity, fertility, transformation, purification, strength, cleanliness. Primordial element, it is considered the starting point for the emergence of life.
  • A Decision or Change - Crossroads: A crossroads represents a critical point, in which a decision must be made, or a change must be made.
  • Oldness or Death - Winter: In shamanism, winter symbolizes old age and death. It is associated with old age because the elders, the wise and the ancestors had their hair as white as winter snow. It is associated with death because we enjoy winter, to share our experiences and teachings more at home, evaluate our accomplishments and purposes, practice patience, and prepare for the deaths.

Let's see, red I would say is passion or death (fiery red passion, LOL), a decision or change, definitely crossroads, but here, I get a bit stumped, I would say water is life or rebirth, because there are lot's of creatures in the waters, so that leaves winter with old age or death, winter, always the last season to go, it makes perfect sense

Change this verb to a noun by adding the suffix -ure. Remember to drop the silent e when necessary.expose


All you have to do is basically as you said, drop the e in exposure and add -ure to the end.


In the underlined portion, the writer wants to show that such institutes are more challenging than high school summer programs. Which choice best accomplishes this goal?scientific tasks
close supervision
informative lessons



Close supervision


You can observe how challenging institutes are by taking surveys and then see how difficult summer programs are to students. Compare and contrast your results to see what you get.

Based on how the author portrays Diane France, which statement best describes her?She is often bored with her job.
O She is picky about the assignments she accepts.
She is very intelligent.
O She is well-liked by her co-workers.

The answer is
C. She is very intelligent


Answer: C . She is very intelligent


C. She is very intelligent


“Great God, direct, and guard him from on high, And from his head let ev'ry evil fly!” How does the couplet form support the meaning of the lines?


Answer: The couplet allows for parallel form connecting the elements of thought. 

Here are the connections:

God directs - from his head
guard him from on high- let ev'ry evil fly 

A. by completing the speaker's thought.





(Setting: The Washington family’s kitchen)

JEANNETTE: I’ve perused this bevy of travel pamphlets and I have no inkling of where I want to go on vacation. I thought about attending a performance at the city’s amphitheater; however, the city will be in bedlam with the performance and the sporting event occurring simultaneously.

MOM: I didn’t find a worthwhile destination either.

KENNETH: I’ve concluded that we should embark on an exhilarating and exciting trip this year—something we’ve never done before.

MOM: I don’t want to dismiss your idea, Kenneth, but where can find such an awe-inspiring experience?

KENNETH: I thought we could hike up Mount Whitney—it’s the highest peak in California. Because it’s located on the border of Inyo and Tulare counties, it’s also relatively close to home. Since we’re all strong athletes, I think that making the ascent is feasible.

JEANNETTE: (to Kenneth) That sounds like an awesome and memorable trip; however, there’s one problem with your plan—I suffer from acrophobia.

KENNETH: (with a look of befuddlement) Acro- what?

MOM: Acrophobia—it means that Jeannette suffers from a fear of heights. The root word phobia, meaning “fear of,” comes from the Greek word –phobos, which means “fearing.” Acrophobia is one of the most prevalent phobias in the country.

KENNETH: (to Jeannette) I recall a few years ago when we traveled on an airplane to Aunt Janice’s house—you were enthralled, peering out the window at the scene below.

JEANNETTE: I did have a tremendous time on the airplane; however, after that trip, my phobia gradually progressed, and now merely thinking about flying evokes terror and makes me squeamish. For me, riding the elevator to the top floor of a tall building is much like trekking up Mount Everest—it’s a gigantic feat of willpower.

MOM: Sometimes the best way to get over a fear is to face it. Perhaps we should try to climb the mountain so that Jeannette can tackle her fear. Do you think it would intolerable for you, Jeannette?

JEANNETTE: (with a look of trepidation) I don’t believe I would be very excited during the ascent, and I may not reach the apex; yet, I would savor the astonishing panoramic views. But what if I lost my composure and chose not to climb with you? I would be loath to jeopardize your trip.

DAD: Jeannette, we’re a family; we must always support each other. I believe that if you’re brave enough to attempt the climb, we should be more than willing to stop if you feel overwhelmed or extremely uneasy.

MOM: Just trying is an immeasurable accomplishment!

KENNETH: I’ll have a wonderful vacation as long as I get to view the noteworthy peak; everything else is secondary to me. What’s your verdict, Jeannette?

JEANNETTE: The thought of scaling a gigantic mountain is both scary and exhilarating. I must admit, the allure of Mount Whitney seems to trump my trepidation, and it would be incredible to overcome my fear. So, I suppose there is only one thing left to do—pack!
Which is the main theme of the passage?


The theme is it’s always good to go on a vacation with your family and friends and to have a good time together