Fourscore and seven years ago, our farthers brought forth on this continent an new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedication to the proposition that all men are created equal.Why does Lincoln reference this portion of the Declaration of Independence in the Gettysburg Address

A. To show his appreciation for soldiers regardless of whether they fight for the North or South.
B. To encourage soldiers by bringing up a war that the USwon
C. To emphasize that the US was founded on the principle of freedom for all people.


Answer 1


C. To emphasize that the US was founded on the principle of freedom for all people.


The Gettysburg address was an address that the President Lincoln gave to the public at Gettysburg Pennsylvania and it is the most famous address by the presiden Lincoln, he speaks about the principles on which the United States were founded, firmly believing on equality and freedom for all people, this was crucial because the fight agaisnt slavery was at its peak.

Answer 2
Answer: The answer is C. After that last sentence, Lincoln will have a good set up for what he will talk about next, freedom and liberty and so on.

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hijrah means: departure or migration it is also known as the migration of Muhammad

hijrah is the journey the prophet Muhammad along with his followers made from mecca to yathrib

that is how it is connected to islam

hope that helped!

Lesson 6 unit 2 the third bank of the river 1.C


The transformation and development of a character in a story, particularly in response to internal conflicts, is known as character development.

What is the meaning of Character Development?

This process involves revealing new aspects of the character's personality, values, or beliefs as the narrative unfolds. The character may undergo significant changes, whether in attitudes, behaviors, or perspectives, contributing to a more nuanced and dynamic portrayal.

Character development is a key element in storytelling, allowing readers or viewers to engage with the evolving nature of the characters and their journeys within the narrative.

Character development serves the purpose of creating dynamic, relatable, and engaging characters. It adds depth, complexity, and authenticity to their personas, enhancing the overall storytelling experience for the audience.

Learn more about Character Development at:


Full Question:

Although part of your question is missing, you might be referring to this full question:

The Third Bank of the River:
The ways in which a character changes and evolves throughout a story, often as a result of some conflict within the story. This is known as?

thanks !!!!! not sure of they are correct but appreciate it

What fact in the history of Joash is significant to the history of redemption?


I think it was when he restored the temple that was despoiled by his grandmother.  It could symbolize that the temple will rise again even after it was desecrated.  Through the young king’s efforts, the people helped to restore it to its former glory.

Why did the US government set up the Committee on Public Information?a. to compel American men ages 18 to 45 to fight in the war

b. to create a sense of patriotism and nationalism among Americans

c. to conserve food and fuel for war efforts and to support the Allies

d. to convince German Americans to see Germany as villainous


The United States government set up the Committee on Public Information to create a sense of patriotism and nationalism among Americans.

What was the Committee on public Information?

The committee on public Information was established in 1917 at the time of World War I. it was established by Woodrow Wilson, the president of America. It also known as  Creel Committee. the main purpose of Committee on public Information was to create public opinion on the America role in World war I or in other language he wants to developed the feeling of Patriotism and Nationalism in civilians.  Committee on public Information used every medium available to create enthusiasm for the war effort and to enlist public support against the foreign and perceived domestic attempts to stop America's participation in the war. It is a notable example of propaganda in the United States.

What is Patriotism ?

Patriotism is felling of love, devotion, attachment and vigorous support for one's country. feeling of Patriotism might be comes from the  combination of many different feelings, language relating to one's own homeland, including ethnic, cultural, political or historical aspects.

What is Nationalism?

Nationalism is feeling to support nation interest. feeling of nationalism  create a sense of national consciousness exalting one nation above all others and placing primary emphasis on promotion of its culture and interests as opposed to those of other nations or supranational groups Intense nationalism was one of the.

hence option B is correct.

to learn more about Committee on public information here;



to create a sense of patriotism and nationalism among Americans


How did the age of european exploration help pave the way for the scientific revolution


Conquestors such as FerdinandMagellan for example, wanted to prove that the Earth was indeed round. And ChristopherColumbus (1450-1506)is an Italian crusader who is tasked to look for Asia from Europe starting onthe west direction. His conquests during 15th to 20thcentury in Asia, Australia, United States and Atlantic made new discoveries andcolonies crediting him as the explorer of the ‘New World’ or the ‘Age ofDiscovery’. His conquests were very much celebrated however there also negativeeffects on the system instilled on the newly-discovered places such as slavery,diseases, illiteracy, rape and death.The Ptolemaic theory of the universe wasdisproved by Nicolaus Copernicus (1473–1543), letter C and followed by JohannesKepler (1571–1630). Geocentrictheory suggested that the Sun and moon orbited Earth, and the rest of theplanets orbited the Sun is Heliocentric theory. Heliocentric theory of NicolausCopernicus during the Scientific Revolution on 17th and 18thcentury while Geocentric theory was proposed by Ptolemy (AD 150) and Aristotle.Today, we believe more on the Heliocentric theory and it has been proven aswell.

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The main reason why American Indians traded with others is because this was the basis of their economy, which operated mainly on bartering as opposed to common currency. Europeans traded instead to get goods and materials they could not find in Europe.