There is a correlation between algae height and the snout-to-vent length of a group of marine iguanas in the Galapagos; as algae height increases for a given island, so does iguana length. Why would the body size of this population of iguanas correlate with algae height?Differential reproduction of larger animals is favored when adequate nutrition is supplied by larger algae.
Increased variation in animal size is favored when large plant species are present in a healthy ecosystem.
Overproduction of smaller animals is favored when algae swards are short and vice versa when algae swards are long.
Traits are exchanged between iguana and algae populations so that taller algae result in larger iguana populations


Answer 1
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The body size of this population of iguanas correlate with algae height because Traits are exchanged between iguana and algae populations so that taller algae result in larger iguana populations
Answer 2


The correct answer would be Differential reproduction of larger animals is favored when adequate nutrition is supplied by larger algae.

The size of the food influences the size of the organism.

Due to availability of larger food or larger algae, longer iguanas tend to live and survive more.

Thus, the tend to survive and reproduce more as compared to the shorter iguanas.

Similarly, when algae or food is not available, then larger iguanas die due to malnutrition and shorter iguanas tend to survive.

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(2) The block gains heat from the water until both are at 90.0°C.
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First consider and take note of the following: 
1. When 2 or more finite amounts of substances are mix together (with different temperature) the final temperature is never equivalent to the initial temperature of any of the substances involved. 
2. The substances meet at an equilibrium temperature. 
3. Heat transfers from a higher temperature to a lower temperature. 

Only choice (3) satisfies the conditions. 

Final answer:

Heat transfers from the water to the copper block until both reach an equilibrium temperature.


The transfer of heat in this system can be described by (4) The water gains heat and the block loses heat until both are at the same temperature that is between 10.0°C and 90.0°C.

This is because heat always flows from the object with higher temperature to the object with lower temperature. In this case, the water at 90.0°C has a higher temperature than the copper block at 10.0°C. As a result, heat will transfer from the water to the copper block, causing the water to cool down and the copper block to heat up. Eventually, both objects will reach an equilibrium temperature somewhere between 10.0°C and 90.0°C.

Learn more about Heat Transfer here:


Which type of solar radiation is the most powerful?



The type of solar radiation that is the most powerful is the Ultraviolet Radiation.


Ultraviolet Radiation is the radiation that has the shortest wavelength (360 nanometers), which carries a lot of energy and interferes with molecular bonds. Especially those less than 300 nanometers, which can alter DNA molecules, very important for life. These waves are absorbed by the upper part of the atmosphere, especially by the ozone layer.

The damage that ultraviolet rays can cause to humans include effects on the skin such as irritation, wrinkles, loss of elasticity, spots and cancer; also possible conditions at the ocular level and can trigger systemic lupus erythematosus.

The most powerful type of solar radiation is known as gamma radiation.

Gamma radiation consists of high-energy photons and is part of the electromagnetic spectrum. It has the highest frequency and shortest wavelength among the various types of solar radiation, which include gamma rays, X-rays, ultraviolet (UV) radiation, visible light, infrared (IR) radiation, and radio waves. Gamma radiation is generated by nuclear reactions, such as those occurring in the core of the Sun and in other high-energy processes in the universe. Due to its high energy, gamma radiation can penetrate deeply into matter and has the potential to cause ionization and damage to living cells.

Therefore, it is important to limit exposure to gamma radiation and take appropriate safety precautions when working with radioactive materials or in environments with high levels of gamma radiation.

Learn more about solar radiation here:

#SPJ 6

How many moles are in 136.9 g of Ba(OH)2?




Write a balanced equation for the dissolution of CaCO3? lable all phases too... So far I have CaCO3(aq)<-->Ca^2+(aq)+CO3^2-(aq) but that is wrong. Please help!!


Perhaps you need the reaction between CaCO_3 and HCl:

CaCO_3 + 2HCl\ \to\ CaCl_2 + CO_2 + H_2

What is the chemical formula for iron(III) oxide?
(1) FeO (3) Fe3O
(2) Fe2O3 (4) Fe3O=


The chemical formula for Iron (III) oxide is Fe203.

Given: The equation for the synthesis of ammonia is H2(g) + N2(g) → NH3(g). If 12.0 grams of hydrogen are used up by the reaction, how many grams of ammonia will be produced?



The answer to your question is 68 g



mass of H₂ = 12 g

mass of NH₃ = ?

Balanced chemical reaction

               3H₂  +  N₂   ⇒   2NH₃


1.- Calculate the molar mass of H₂

H₂ = 1 x 6 = 6

NH₃ = 2[(14 x 1) + (3 x 1)]

       = 2[14 + 3]

       = 2[17]

       = 34 g

2.- Use proportions to find the mass of NH₃

                 6 g of H₂ --------------- 34 g of NH₃

                12g of H₂ ----------------  x

                        x = (12 x 34) / 6

                        x = 408/6

                        x = 68 g of NH₃