What is the unit of mu (m) in the equation of Ffriction=miu F formal explan


Answer 1

Both F's are forces, so µ must be unitless/dimensionless.

F[friction] = µ F[normal]

Or, more explicitly in terms of the units:

(Newtons) = (constant) (Newtons)

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there is no certain time on how long it takes. Because the factors will always be different and the factors heavily affect the evaporation time. Some factors include: humidity, heat, how the sun is visible (whether clouds are covering it or not)
There is not any fix time for evaporation...every liquid has different boiling point....when any liquid boils completely then it start evaporating.

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(2) Heat assists evaporation
(3) Increase in surface area exposed assists evaporation
(4) Dryness assists evaporation
(5) Rate of evaporation depends upon the nature of the liquid
(6) Vapor pressure


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series,effective resistance =R₁+R₂+R₃...
parallel,effective resistance 1/R=1/R₁ +1/R₂ +1/R₃...
Here,effective resistance 1/R =1/7 +1/5+ 1/4+1/2  
                                       R = 1/1.092 =0.915Ω
voltage V=9 V 
current I=V/R
I=9 / 0.915
            =9.83 A
parallel resistance = (1)/(7)(1)/(5)(1)/(4)(1)/(2)

now , V= 9V
V = IR
I = (V)/(R)
I = (9)/(140) x 153
I = 9.835714 A

Carbon dioxide is added to the atmosphere: a) as a by-product of solar energy
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Carbon dioxide is added to the atmosphere b) from burning the fossil fuels

Answer: They are added into they air by burning fossil fuels

Explanation: When fossil fuels burn, they add Carbon dioxide into the atmosphere

Hope This helped- God Bless

Every 10 seconds a pendulum completes 2 cycles. what are the period and frequency of this pendulum


If it completes 2 cycles in 10 seconds, then each cycle
takes 5 seconds.  That's the period.

Frequency = 1 / period = 1 / 5 sec = 0.2 per sec = 0.2 Hz.

period 5 sec = 1 cycle
f = 1/period

80123.00 in scientific notation then rounded up to 3 sig figs


not exactly sure what the last part of the question is but in regular scientific notation it would be " 8.0123x10 (to the 4th power)" 

there wasnt a sign for the exponent lol 

Assuming that all carts are moving, compare and contrast the differences in the motion of the 3 carts.


To compare and contrast the differences in the motion of three carts, it's essential to consider various aspects of their motion, including speed, direction, and acceleration. Without specific details about the motion of each cart, I can provide a general framework:

1. Speed: You can compare the speeds of the carts to determine which one is moving the fastest and which one is the slowest.
2. Direction: Compare the directions in which the carts are moving. Are they all moving in the same direction, or are some moving in opposite directions?
3. Acceleration: Consider if any of the carts are accelerating (changing their speed) and in which direction.

1. Speed: Highlight the differences in speed between the carts. For example, Cart A may be moving slowly, while Cart B is moving quickly.
2. Direction: Discuss any differences in direction. Are some carts moving forward while others are moving backward or in different angles?
3. Acceleration: Note if any of the carts are accelerating differently. For instance, Cart C might be accelerating rapidly while Cart A maintains a constant speed.

To provide a more detailed comparison and contrast, it would be helpful to have specific information about the motion of each cart, such as their speeds, directions, and accelerations.