
Answer 1


Answers are 1 2 and 6


looked it up

Answer 2


1, 3, 5


They make the most sense then I researched each question (quickly) and they all checked out.. hopefully you can retry it and hopefully there right on your quiz/test:)

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no clue so sorry I couldn't be of more help

Language is a set of sounds, combinations of sounds, or symbols used for communication.

It can play roles in culture by shaping our thoughts, and dcan help us know their values

Describe where you can find a meteor


atoms are what you can find in meteor if you go to a science lab and take tests
A meteoroid is a small rock or particle of debris in our solar system. They range in size from dust to around 10 metres in diameter (larger objects are usually referred to as asteroids).

A meteoroid that burns up as it passes through the Earth’s atmosphere is known as a meteor. If you’ve ever looked up at the sky at night and seen a streak of light or ‘shooting star’ what you are actually seeing is a meteor.

A meteoroid that survives falling through the Earth’s atmosphere and colliding with the Earth’s surface is known as a meteorite.

The fastest meteoroids travel through the solar system at a speed of around 42 kilometres per second (26 miles per second).

The Earth’s atmosphere experiences millions of meteors every day.

Meteors are easier to see during the lower light conditions of night.

A small percentage of meteoroids fly on a path that goes into the Earth’s atmosphere and then back out again, they are known as Earth grazing fireballs.

When many meteors occur in a close time frame in the same part of the sky it is called a meteor shower.

Around 500 meteorites reach the Earth’s surface every year but of those only around 5 ever make it to scientists for study.

Meteorites that are observed as they fall through the Earth’s atmosphere and later recovered are called ‘falls’, all others are called ‘finds’. To this date there have been around 1000 collected ‘falls’ and 40000 ‘finds’.

Change presentation to blue warm


use power point and then click up to 'design'

Paine is echoing frin locke the trying of which principle to the foundation for government that would most support revolt from great britian?


AP American History I would guess? I'm taking it as well yay.

The principle that Thomas Paine copied from John Locke is the right to revolt. If a government acted against the liberties of the citizen, and their freedoms, the citizens had the right to revolt and set up a new government. Thus, that's what I would say would make revolt against Great Britain a rational idea.

Wind speeds increase higher up from the Earth's surface becauseA. friction from landscape features doesn't slow them down.
B. oxygen levels are decreased, making air movement quicker.
C. the atmosphere is composed of heavier molecules at lower atmospheric levels.
D. the wind is augmented by the solar wind.


A. Friction from the landscape doesn't slow them down. as altitude increases, there wind speed increases primarily due to less friction slowing down the wind. Earth's terrain by its very nature provides friction which slows the wind down. Buildings, tress, hills, etc all slow the wind. The higher up you go, there is less things to impede the wind and provide any friction. The wind speeds are therefore higher at the high altitudes.

A. friction from landscape features doesn't slow them down.

I just took the TEST and made a 100%, It was right.

What are three things you value highly?

15 points


Passion, love, dedication
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