Why is cellular respiration an aerobic process?


Answer 1
Answer: Because it requires air, or oxygen to complete. Aerobic means with air. Therefor, cellular respiration is an aerobic process. I hope this helps, if you have a question, feel free to ask ! 

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What plot archetype is employed in Carl Sandburg's "How the Animals Lost Their Tails and Got Them Back Traveling from Philadelphia to Medicine Hat"?A) comedy

B) tragedy

C) rags to riches

D) quest


The plot archetype that is employed in Carl Sandburg;s "How Animals Lost Their Tails and Got Them Back Traveling from Philadelphia to Medicine Hat" is a quest. The correct answer is D. 

Answer : Quest

Explanation : The plot that is employed in Carl Sandburg's "How the Animals Lost Their Tails and Got Them Back Traveling from Philadelphia to Medicine Hat" is like a quest. The plot which was designed by the author was for the searching and fulfilling desires of their characters. Which includes everything startting from the origin story and ending on salvation.

The word haunted appear as a motif in John Updike's "The Brown Chest," in what way and how does it contribute to the meaning of the story?


The choices are:
A. The word haunted describes the boy’s ancestors. The word suggests their actions still affect him and influence his personality, even when he becomes an adult.
B. The word haunted describes items of antiquity. As a boy and as an adult, the narrator peers anxiously at old, unused items that make him feel uneasy.

C. The word haunted suggests that the boy is still haunted by memories of his childhood and his parents. The chest is a reminder of personal experiences he can’t ignore.

D. The word haunted describes the house the boy lived in. Even after he and his family moved to a new home, the memories of his fear stay with him.

The answer to your question is B. I hope this is the answer that you are looking for and it comes to your help.

Which environmental lesson can you derive from the ecocide hypothesis for what happened to Easter Island?


An environmental lesson which tells that the climate change has environmental consequences for all inhabitants of an environment derives you from the ecocide hypothesis for what happened to Easter Island. Easter Island is an island in Chile and is famed with its archeological sites. 

Answer : Changes in climatic conditions has consequences on all the organisms of environment.

Explanation : From the ecocide hypothesis according to the changes that occurred in Easter Island has drastic environmental effects on the nature. The changes in the climatic conditions lead to many undesired natural disasters. The organisms in environment are directly or indirectly dependent on nature for their living. So, any changes in the environment will lead to harm the life on earth.

in a well-fed state, brain cells use which one of the following compounds circulating in the blood stream almost exclusively as an energy source?


Glucose is virtually the sole fuel for the human brain, except during prolonged starvation. The brain lacks fuel stores, thus requires a continuous supply of glucose. It consumes about 120 g daily which corresponds to an energy input of 420 kcal (1760 KJ), accounting for some 60% of the utilization of glucose by the whole body in the resting state. 

Eight people who suffer from sinus infections volunteer to test a new medication that will relieve symptoms. The names of the volunteers are . . 1. Amanda . 2. Scott . 3. Tessa . 4. Jon . 5. Elizabeth . 6. Kevin . 7. Robin . 8. Mike . . Four of the volunteers will receive the new medication, while the other four will receive a placebo as part of a double blind experiment. Starting at the left of the list of random numbers below and reading from left to right, assign four people to be given the medication. . . 20742 05310 65921 01652 75532 95621 12097 . Who are the four people assigned ?


the easiest way to do this is by ignoring the 0, a nine, or those that has been used before and assign the four other numbers

So the answer would be : 
- Scott
- Robin
- Jon
- Elizabeth

Hope this helps


Use the first numbers to assign the treatment to the individuals.


The names of the individuals are:

1. Amanda: 20742

2. Scott: 05310

3. Tessa: 65921    

4. Jon: 01652

5. Elizabeth: 75532  

6. Kevin: 95621  

7. Robin: 12097

8. Mike: (no number assigned)

I am assuming that the numbers that are random and are given to them in the order seen.  First, remove all the persons that have a zero or 9 in front and no number assigned to their names . That leaves 20742 , 65921, 75532, 12097.

The four individuals would be Amanda, Tessa, Elizabeth and Kevin.

There are other ways to do this randomized selection, that also involves eliminating the numbers with zeros and those that have been used in the same numbers.    

It can also be done by using the first two digits, also eliminating the zero and assigning the numbers from lowest to highest alphabetically in ascending or descending  order.

Four volunteers will always be chosen based on any of these methods.


The major mechanism driving cellular differentiation is the difference in gene..... A) Expression B) Sequences C) Order D) Replicaiton



Cellular differentiation occurs throughout the cell development of a multi-cellular organism. It occurs when the cell changes from a simply zygote into a complex system of tissues and cell types. Stems cells are cells which have the potential to develop into many different cell types in the body during early life and growth.