What mathematical term can we use to describe the relationship between energy and matter movement in a longitudinal wave?"Energy and the wave are moving in the same direction"


Right Angle



Answer 1

Longitudinal waves describe the relationship of an energy flow and wave moving i.e. when they move in same direction are always parallel

What is longitudinal waves?

Waves moving in the same direction of the vibration, are called Longitudinal waves. It describes the relationship between  the matter movement and the energy flow.

So it can be said that energy and the wave are moving in the same direction are parallel to each other.

Therefore, it's appropriates to say they energy and wave move in the same direction in a longitudinalwave are parallel to each other.

Learn more about longitudinal waves here:


Answer 2

Answer- Parallel.

In-Line Answer:-

In a longitudinal wave, "Energy and the wave are moving in parallel direction"

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The temperature of the earth is first heated by the presence of the earth internal factors and then by the external factors.


  • All the gases in the atmosphere cannot absorb the entire radiation given from the sun directly, so the earth's surface gets heated directly first and then re-radiated back to the sky.
  • The Water vapor and carbon dioxide are known as the primary reason for the heating of the earth's atmosphere form the below and they tend to trap the amount of the solar heat and thus heat the surface-atmosphere first and they then give output of this energy in the form of the long waves radiation and thus influences the temperatures of the earth at the night time. Thus forming a greenhouse effect of gases.
  • The villain is the carbon dioxides that gets accumulation the atmosphere and thus ends up heating up of the air

Final answer:

The atmosphere is heated chiefly by radiation from the Earth's surface because it absorbs radiation from the Sun and releases it as infrared radiation, which is absorbed by greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

The primary heat absorbers in the lower atmosphere are water vapor and carbon dioxide.

The greenhouse effect, caused by greenhouse gases trapping heat in the atmosphere, is the main villain in the global warming problem.


The atmosphere is heated chiefly by radiation from the Earth's surface rather than by direct solar radiation because the radiation from the Sun passes through the atmosphere and is mostly absorbed by the Earth's surface. The heated surface then radiates energy back into the atmosphere as infrared radiation, which is absorbed by greenhouse gases like water vapor and carbon dioxide. These gases trap the heat and contribute to the warming of the atmosphere, similar to how a greenhouse traps heat.

The primary heat absorbers in the lower atmosphere are water vapor and carbon dioxide. These gases can absorb and reemit the Earth's infrared radiation, causing them to act like a blanket and warm the atmosphere.

The greenhouse effect is the main cause of global warming. It occurs when greenhouse gases in the atmosphere trap heat and prevent it from escaping into space, leading to an increase in the Earth's average temperature. This increased greenhouse effect is primarily caused by human activities such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation, which release additional greenhouse gases into the atmosphere and enhance the natural greenhouse effect.

Learn more about The atmosphere is heated chiefly by radiation from the Earth's surface here:



Geographically, a shield and a surrounding platform together are _______________.a. a low-lying region where Precambrian rocks crop out
b. a low-lying region where Precambrian rocks are covered by Phanerozoic sedimentary strata
c. a region of compressed rock located behind a volcanic arc at a convergent continental margin
d. synonymous with craton



The correct answer is D. Synonymous with craton


Craton is referred to as a large immobile block of earth crust composed of ancient crystalline basement rock and have deep lithosphere roots that extends deeply into the earth's mantle.

Cratons are often seen as shields because the basement rock crops out at the surface, and in platforms, the basement is overlaid by sedimentary rock.

Geographically, a shield and a surrounding platform together are synonymous with craton.

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As explained below.


  • As the earth's history was formed by a collision that led to the formation of the moon that took place about some 4 billion years ago and the earth was a then a blob of molten rock with just a thin solid film on its outer surface.  
  • What can be inferred about the different density of the earth is the earth atmospheric at that time was warm and solar radiation with a relative density and the oceanic crust has relatively more dense matter settled down and in the process known as the planetary differentiation.

Final answer:

The relativedensities of Earth's atmospheric layers, ocean, crust, mantle, and core can be inferred based on their material composition.


During Earth's early formation, the relative densities of its atmosphericlayers, ocean, rocky crust, mantle, and iron-rich core can be inferred based on their materials. The atmosphere consists of gases and is the least dense layer.

The ocean is denser than the atmosphere but less dense than the rocky crust. The mantle, which is mainly composed of silicate rocks, is denser than the ocean and crust. Finally, the iron-rich core is the densest layer due to its high iron content.

Learn more about Relative densities of Earth's layers here:
