Analogy for Chicago Bulls : basketball ::


Answer 1
Answer: ChicagoBulls: basketball:: New York Yankees:baseball
Answer 2

Final answer:

The analogy 'Chicago Bulls : basketball' indicates a relationship where 'Chicago Bulls' is a part within the larger concept 'basketball'. An example using this analogy pattern could be 'Pittsburgh Steelers : American Football'.


The format of the analogy you have given represents a relationship of part to whole, in which the Chicago Bulls are a part of the larger concept, which is basketball. Therefore, you need to think of another specific entity or group that belongs within a larger category. For instance, one possibility could be 'Pittsburgh Steelers : American Football.' In this example, the Pittsburgh Steelers are a team that plays American Football, the same way the Chicago Bulls are a team that plays basketball.

Learn more about Analogies here:


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Misogyny : women :: A.
divest : property

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Misogyny is the hatred or discrimination against women, so your answer should be two words that have that relationship.
You know that A is not correct because divest means to take away possessions, and that isn't hatred against property.
You know that B is not correct because pathological means relating to disease, not hatred to disease.
Finally, you know that C can't be the right answer because progeny means descendants, not hatred of children.

Misogamy is the hatred of marriage, so D is your answer.
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As u have to find the average scores for all students. So, for finding the average of anything we always add them all and then divide them with the total number of objects. so, in this case, we will take the sum of all and divide them with their number and u will get the average of every student of four years in each subject.

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Ex: 1+2+3=6

When you have the averages of all subjects over the 4 years, the one that is highest is your answer.

Hope this helps :)

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Answer: A

- - Why:

Because to complete the sentence you need to find the best option that makes the most sense.

Can "she" come with us.

✡Hope this helps

she is the correct answer because she is a subject, and we need a subject here~

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0.72 is your answer just line them up like this:

       3 .00                                      



    0. 72

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wow that long
