Who wrote the Declaration of Independence


Answer 1
Answer: Thomas Jefferson wrote the declaration of Independence 
Answer 2
Answer: the answer is Benjamin Franklin,  John AdamsRoger ShermanRobert Livingston and  Thomas Jefferson

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United States



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This man and Willem de Sitter name a flat solution to the FLRW metric. A relation named for this man and Smoluchowski models diffusion. This scientist explained Brownian motion using a molecular-kinetic theory of heat in "On the Movement of Small Particles Suspended in a Stationary Liquid." Another of this scientist's papers, called "On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies," modifies Maxwell's equations in the limiting case when speeds approach the speed of light. For the point, name this scientist who, during his "Annus Mirabilis" in 1905, proposed the theory of special relativity.


Answer:The scientist you're referring to is Albert Einstein. In 1905, often referred to as his "Annus Mirabilis" or "miracle year," Einstein published groundbreaking papers on various topics, including his theory of special relativity. The paper "On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies" introduced the theory of special relativity and the famous equation E=mc².

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Einstein's contributions to physics, especially his theories of relativity, have had a profound impact on our understanding of the universe and continue to be foundational principles in modern physics.

Explanation: if not satified with the answer say out for further explanations on jarmusily  at g-mail

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B. States could not deprive any citizen of due process of the law. Welcome XD

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Who first used the phrase iron curtain a) kennan
b. rossevelt
c. Truman
d. churchchill


From those, the best option is d. Churchill- he used it first, as far as we know, in a telegram to Truman.

The phrase was,  however also used before, for example by Goebbels in his anti-soviet speeches.

Churchill was the first to use iron curtian