Compare and contrast the general characteristics of a gas giant planet and one of the inner planets (such as Mercury, Earth, Venus or Mars)? Give two differences and one similarity.


Answer 1
Answer: The gas planets usually have extremely high gravitational pulls, the surface isn't solid (since its a gas planet), and gas planets are larger than the inner planets. 
Similarities- These planets all have moons and they both revolve around the sun (obviously).

Hope this helps.

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When is momentum conserved?A. it is conserved when only two objects collide; more than two objects can't conserve momentum. B. it is always conserved. C. momentum is conserved when the system is closed, which means there are no forces, like friction, acting on it. D. momentum is never conserved.
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If a Substance conducts heat easily then it is considered a good conductor, since the electrons can move freely within the substance.
I think the answer is good conductor!

A team of eight dogs pulls a sled with waxed wood runners on wet snow (mush!). The dogs have average masses of 19.0 kg, and the loaded sled with its rider has a mass of 210 kg. (a) Calculate the acceleration of the dogs starting from rest if each dog exerts an average force of 185 N backward on the snow. (b) Calculate the force in the coupling between the dogs and the sled.


  • The acceleration of the dogs as they pull the sled on the snow is \boxed{4.09\,{{\text{m}}\mathord{\left/{\vphantom{{\text{m}}{{{\text{s}}^{\text{2}}}}}}\right.\kern-\nulldelimiterspace}{{{\text{s}}^{\text{2}}}}}} .
  • The force experienced by the sled due to the dogs is \boxed{859\,{\text{N}}} .

Further Explanation:

As the dogs collectively full the sled on the wet snow surface, the sled will experience a net force due to all the dogs acting on it.

Part (a):

The net force applied by the 8 dogs on the sled is:


The net mass of the dog and the sled combined is:


The net acceleration of the dogs and the sled combined is:


Substitute the values of net force and mass in above expression.


Thus, the acceleration of the dogs as they pull the sled on the snow is \boxed{4.09\,{{\text{m}}\mathord{\left/{\vphantom {{\text{m}}{{{\text{s}}^{\text{2}}}}}}\right.\kern-\nulldelimiterspace}{{{\text{s}}^{\text{2}}}}}} .

Part (b):

Since the sled is moving with an acceleration of 4.09\,{{\text{m}}\mathord{\left/{\vphantom{{\text{m}}{{{\text{s}}^{\text{2}}}}}}\right.\kern-\nulldelimiterspace}{{{\text{s}}^{\text{2}}}}} , the net force experienced by the sled due to the pull of the dogs is:

{F_(sled)}={m_s}* a

Substitute the values in above expression:


Thus, the force experienced by the sled due to the dogs is \boxed{859\,{\text{N}}} .

Learn More:

1. A 30.0-kg box is being pulled across a carpeted floor by a horizontal force of 230 N

2. A horizontal rope is tied to a 50 kg box

3. Why is it important to define a frame of reference

Answer Details:

Grade: High School

Subject: Physics

Chapter: Newton’s law of Motion


Team of eight dogs, waxed wood runners, loaded sled, with its rider, acceleration, average force 185 N, coupling between dog and sled, average masses of 19 kg each.

If the mass is doubled the kinetic energy will?


Besides the mass, kinetic energy also depends on speed.

If the speed remains constant, then kinetic energy is proportional
to mass. So if speed doesn't change while mass increases, then
kinetic energy increases, but I can't think of a situation where that
can happen.
it doubles, assuming the speed remains the same.

The rate at which work is done is





I just took the quiz

The definition for Power =   Work Done / Time taken

Hence the rate at which work is done is called Power.

Power is measured in Watts. Work done is measured in Joules and Time taken is in Seconds. 

Which describes why people on earth can see light from the stars in the sky that are so far away? A.
Light from the stars is visible light and travels in longitudinal waves. Longitudinal waves require a medium to travel; therefore, light is reflected off particles of matter in space to be seen on the earth.

Light from the stars is visible light and travels as surface to surface waves. Surface waves require a medium to travel; therefore, light travels from the surface of the star to the surface of the earth.

Light from the stars is visible light and travels in electromagnetic waves. Electromagnetic waves require a medium to travel; therefore, light is reflected off particles of matter in space to be seen on the earth.

Light from the stars is visible light and travels in electromagnetic waves. Electromagnetic waves do not require a medium to travel; therefore, light travels through the vacuum of space to be seen on the earth.

I think it is D


You are correct.  It is D.  Don't make me copy it.

If you were trying to build a sound proof room, which of the following materials would you choose in order to absorb the most sound, based on the coefficient of absorption for each material


Answer: concrete

Explanation: because of the absorption

Coefficients of Absorption for Common Materials

(from Penn Foster) ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Material                                             Coefficient of Absorption

Perforated acoustic ceiling material                               60%

Heavy curtains  (A)                                                             50%

Carpeting  (B)                                                                      20%

Wood  (C)                                                                              5%

Plaster                                                                                  3%

Clay tile (D)                                                                           3%

Concrete                                                                               2%

The answer is A. Heavy curtains ✅