In ancient times coins made from gold and silver gradually replaced which commonly used means of exchange in commerce? a.) Cuneiform tables
d.)beads and shells


Answer 1
Answer: In ancient times coins made from gold and silver gradually replaced which commonly used means of exchange in commerce?b) barter

Answer 2

Answeser is c lol hdhdhdhhdhdhdddddddddddd

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B. North Africa above the Sahara, West Africa and the East African coast.
C. The entire continent.
D. Only North Africa


The correct answer is D. Only North Africa This can be noticed due to countries such as Tunisia, Morocco, Egypt, Algiers, and other predominantly Islamic countries. 

The correct option is D

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B. The Bill of Rights
C. The Mayflower Compact
D. The Declaration of Independence



A. The Constitution


From all the choices, the U.S. Constitution is the only one that outlines the structure of the federal government. Article I, II and III establish the structure, main duties, and powers of each of the three branches of the government (Legislative, Executive and Judicial) and establishes the principles under they should they act: the principle of separation of powers and the principle of checks and balance.

As for the remaining articles, Article 4 deals with interstates relationships and the responsibilities that the federal government has to each States, Article 5 explains how the Constitution can be changed, Article 6 talks about debts, and establishes the constitution, federal laws, and treaties as the supreme law of the land, and lastly, Article 7 explains how many states need to ratify the Constitution.

not c or d...
I would go with the bill of right

The role of muslim religious leaders in africa was to:a) spread the four noble truths.
b) emphasize the importance of ancestor worship.
c) promote the caste system.
d) introduce the teachings of the qur'an (Koran).


The correct answer is D) introduce the teachings of the Qur'an.

The role of Muslim religious leaders in Africa was to: introduce the teachings of the Qur'an.

It couldn't be the four noble truths because the noble truths belong to Buddhism. Those are Buddhist teachings, and Islam is a completely different religion.

Indeed, the teachings of Qu'ran are based on the Five Pillars of Islam that are the following. The Shahada, that is the profession of the Muslim faith. The Salat, that is the daily prayers during different times of the day. The Zakat, that is sharing wealthy with the poor. The Saum, that is the fasting during the period of Ramadan. And the Hajj, that is the pilgrim to Mecca.

The correct option is A

Muslim expansion or the expansion of Islam began in the Arabian peninsula in southwestern Asia. It is the denomination that usually occurs to the military conquests or the trade reforms of the Arab Muslim civilization in which the Sassanid Empire, North Africa, and the Iberian Peninsula, including parts of the Byzantine Empire, would fall. Also included in this denomination is the influx of merchants in the Maghreb and in Africa, and missions made in the Philippines.

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he put an African American girl on the stand to testify about the school she went to