When a nucleus of ^235 U undergoes fission, it breaks into two smaller, more tightly bound fragments.1) Calculate the binding energy per nucleon for ^235U? (Express with appropriate units)2) Calculate the binding energy per nucleon for the fission product ^137 Cs? (Express in appropriate units)


Answer 1

1) The binding energy per nucleon is 7.59 MeV/nucleon and 2) The binding energy per nucleon is  8.39 MeV/nucleon.

1) The binding energy per nucleon is as follows:

m_proton + m_neutron + m_electron - m_U

= 92*1.007276466812 + 92*5.4857990943e-4 + 143*1.008664916 - (235.0439299)

= 1.9151 u

= 931.494061 * 1.9151 MeV

= 1784 MeV

= 1784/235 = 7.59 MeV/nucleon

2) The binding energy per nucleon is as follows:

m_proton + m_neutron + m_electron - m_Cs

= 55*1.007276466812 + 55*5.4857990943e-4 + 82*1.008664916 - (136.9070895)

= 1.2338 u

= 931.494061 * 1.2338 MeV

= 1149 MeV

=1145/137 = 8.39 MeV/nucleon

To learn more about binding energy check the link below:



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How many protons and electrons are in an atom of sodium whose atomic number is 11?


Atomic number is also known as proton number, so it would have 11 protons. Assuming you mean a neutral atom, it will have to have an equal number of electrons to protons, so it has 11 electrons too

Final answer:

An atom of sodium, with an atomic number of 11, has 11 protons and 11 electrons. The atomic number is indicative of both the number of protons in an atom and, in a neutral atom, the number of electrons.


The atomic number of an element corresponds to the number of protons in the nucleus of its atom. So, an atom of sodium whose atomic number is 11 has 11 protons. As the atom is neutral, it also means that the atom will have 11 electrons to balance the 11 positive charges of the protons. This information can be found on the periodic table, which gives the atomic number and the atomic mass of each element.

Learn more about Atomic Structure here:



2 ways in which the carbon is stored for a long time


1) Carbon can be stored as chemical energy in the cells of the plant or the animal. So, the carbon will stay stored as part of the organic material that makes up the plant or animal until it dies. When a plant or animal dies, it either decomposes and the carbon is released back into the environment; or the organic material of the organism is buried and transformed over millions of years into coal, oil, or natural gas. 
Another way that carbon is stored for long periods of time is when carbon is used by ocean organisms. Many ocean creatures use calcium carbonate (CaCO3) to make their shells or to make the reef material where coral animals live. When algae die, their organic material becomes part of the ocean sediments, which may stay at the bottom of the ocean for many years. Over millions of years, those same ocean sediments can be forced down into the mantle when oceanic crust is consumed in deep ocean trenches. As the ocean sediments melt and form magma, carbon dioxide is eventually released when volcanoes erupt.

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It's saying that it "protects us from the ozone layer." but too much may be harmful to your body because we aren't used to that 

Formed when chemicals in the air get into rain and up the acidity levels


Acid Rain is formed when chemicals in the air get into rain and up the acidity levels!!!!!!

Hope this helps guys!


yes acid rain
