formulate a reason why a magnitude-3 earthquake can possibly cause more damage than a magnitude-6 earthquake


Answer 1


There are a few reasons why a magnitude-3 earthquake can possibly cause more damage than a magnitude-6 earthquake:

Location: The location of an earthquake can have a big impact on the amount of damage it causes. A magnitude-3 earthquake that occurs in a heavily populated urban area is more likely to cause damage than a magnitude-6 earthquake that occurs in a more remote or less developed area.

Depth: The depth of an earthquake can also affect the amount of damage it causes. Earthquakes that occur closer to the surface are more likely to cause damage than those that occur deeper underground.

Soil type: The type of soil in an area can also influence the amount of damage caused by an earthquake. Loose, sandy soils are more susceptible to shaking and can amplify the effects of an earthquake, while solid rock is more stable and may not be as affected.

Building construction: The quality and type of construction of buildings in an area can also play a role in the amount of damage caused by an earthquake. Buildings that are poorly constructed or that are not designed to withstand earthquakes are more likely to be damaged or collapse.

Overall, the amount of damage caused by an earthquake depends on a variety of factors, and it is not necessarily directly related to the magnitude of the earthquake.

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Well, it could either be B or C- they're both psychiatric disorders that involve memory loss. Fugue is actually categorised as part of anmesia, so you could use C, since it's an umbrella term.

However, it's likely to be fugue, since it involves wandering, creating a new identity and often confusion when the fugue ends and the person recalls their pre-fugue life. Therefore, I would answer B.

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Hope this helps! :D


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Hope this helps!


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The answer would be C: PTSD
