The battles in the revolutionary war and the blanks aren't filled.
The battles in the revolutionary war and the blanks aren't - 1


Answer 1
Answer: what was the outcome? 
the third row
where is says" Burgoyne and more than" .. it's 6,000


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Bern is the capital.
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Which argument is Bismarck making in this excerpt




Explanation: I have found the rest of your question.

We had to avoid wounding Austria too severely; we had to avoid leaving behind in her any unnecessary bitterness of feeling or desire for revenge; we ought rather to reserve the possibility of becoming friends again with our adversary of the moment, and in any case to regard the Austrian state as a piece on the European chessboard. If Austria were severely injured, she would become the ally of France and of every other opponent of ours; she would even sacrifice her anti-Russian interests for the sake of revenge on Prussia. . . . The acquisition of provinces like Austria Silesia and portions of Bohemia could not strengthen the Prussian state; it would not lead to an amalgamation of German Austria with Prussia, and Vienna could not be governed from Berlin as a mere dependency. . . . Austria's conflict and rivalry with us was no more culpable than ours with her; our task was the establishment or foundation of German national unity under the leadership of the King of Prussia.

Which argument is Otto von Bismarck making in this excerpt?

A. He is insisting that German unification should be the force that unites all German speakers in Europe.

B. He is offering to defend German Austria from Bohemian nationalism in the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

C. He is rejecting the idea that German Austria should be made a part of a future united Germany.

D. He is warning the Prussian king not to go to war with Austria over Russian territory.

  • The answer is C because his argument at the beginning is saying that they should avoid wounding Austria too harsh because if Austria were injured then she will become the ally of France and his rival and that they will tend to revenge and conflicts of the Prussian state and that will not lead to an amalgamation.

Answer: it is C


For AP3X

What animal would probibly live closer to Antartica, the cape Buffalo of southern Africa or the wallaby of southern Australia? How do you know?


i think the cape buffalo because it has more hidr and it wouldent cold. The wallaby is just a kangaroo that would die really fast of hipothermia
wallaby because it's in Australia and I am a little rusty on my geography but I believe that's closer to Antarctica. I believe but I could be wrong.

Similarities and differences between Mother Teresa and Bill Gates.



check in your social textbook

Which of the following describes a traditional economy?)A: Where people trade goods that they hunted for or gathered for other goods

B: Where businesses can make their own decisions without interference from the government

C: Where businesses make mostly their own decisions but the government sets some rules

D: Where the government controls all of the businesses



A) Where people trade goods that they hunted for or gathered for other goods


Traditional economy is primarily based on history, beliefs and self management. One of the most important things is that the person who produces can exactly produce as needed and to base his economy primarily on its needs.

Traditional economies depend on the production of goods, agriculture, fisheries, hunting and similar jobs. Gathering some of these mixed activities they can do the trade and the economy itself.

Today, the traditional economy can be found in parts of Africa, Asia, Latin America.