Imagine you wanted to convince an uninformed person to take a political position that is the same as yours. What issue would you try to talk about? How would you include ethos, pathos, and logos in your persuasion?


Answer 1
Answer: I say talk about economic policy. Argue for a position you believe in (be it Socialism, Laissez-Faire Capitalism, or whatever). I would start by using a anecdote that described the issue using the negative consequences of embracing the other perspective, immediately tarnishing the person's first impression of the opposite ideology. Then, I would involve logos by saying things like "just think about it, and you'll realize it makes perfect sense" and explaining my position as though it were a formula. Ethos would come into the picture when I mention the opinions of professionals and scholars who I've hand=picked to agree with me on the topic. Pathos has already been used in the form of the beginning anecdote, a "sob story" so to speak.
Hope that I helped!
Answer 2

Final answer:

To convince an uninformed person to take a political position, I would focus on climate change and use ethos, pathos, and logos to support my persuasion.


Ethos, Pathos, and Logos in Persuasion

If I were trying to convince an uninformed person to take a political position that is the same as mine, I would focus on the issue of climate change. To include ethos, I would establish my credibility by providing facts and statistics from reputable sources like scientific research institutes or government reports. For pathos, I would appeal to emotions by discussing the potential consequences of climate change, such as extreme weather events or the loss of natural habitats. Lastly, for logos, I would use logical reasoning to explain the cause-and-effect relationships between human activities and climate change, as well as the effectiveness of certain policies or actions in mitigating it.

Learn more about Persuasion in politics here:


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Answer and explanation:

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the passage is written in the first person point of view, because it is spoken by one who is referred to as "I"
third person because it is someone else saying it

Please help me with this


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I think the answer is:
An article explaining your ideas on how to best rescue endangered loggerhead turtle eggs

I believe it is A, the problem and solution organization pattern consists of two parts.

Where it explains what the problem and topic is, and the second part is how to find the solution and exploit it.

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