How far north did the shang dynasty reach


Answer 1


Around 600 miles


The Shang dynasty almost lasted 600 years there was a total of 30 emperors. this was the first family of the rulers who left the written history behind, Anyang was one of the capitals of Shang dynasty that was the oldest and one of the important Shang cities.

Higher classes in the Shang dynasty lived in the wood houses with walls of clay while peasants lived in the hovels outside the city, the dynasty was divided between nobles and the peasants.

Answer 2
Answer: Probably around 600 miles

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I haven't taken any US Government courses, but with the magic power of
Googling\ It!\ ^(TM) I looked up these cases.

Tinker v. Des Moines
Established that students' Constitutional rights hold even under school authority.
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If you haven't heard of the Watergate scandal, it's basically how there was a break-in at the Democrat HQ and Republican and president Richard Nixon was found to have hidden cameras in his offices and was forced to hand over the tapes to the Supreme Court during his case.

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Brown v. Board of Education
Overturning the Plessy v. Ferguson decision, this decision said that segregation could not be mandated by gov't because segregated schools were unequal by nature. (This did not ban segregation!)

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Mandates officers to tell suspects of their Fifth Amendment rights. (Which are the right to remain silent and right to an attorney)

The answer to #1 is In re Gault.
The answer to #2 is Plessy v. Ferguson and Brown v. Board of Education.
The answer to #3 is Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier.

Who was Roger B. Taney, and why was he important?


Roger B. Taney was the fifth Chief Justice of the supreme court from 1836 to his death in 1864. He is most important for the Dred Scott decision in 1857. 

How did Gaius Marius begin to transition Rome from a republic to an empire? His promise of land to soldiers caused conflict between the Consul and the Senate. His journey to Africa convinced him to rebuild Roman government. His defeat of Sulla inspired Rome's underclass to revolt against the Senate. His alliance with rival leaders increased the Consul's power.



His promise of land to soldiers caused conflict between the Consul and the Senate.


Cayo or Gayo Mario (Arpino, ca. 157 BC-Rome, January 13, 86 BC) was a Roman politician and military, called third founder of Rome for his military successes. He was elected consul seven times throughout his life, something unprecedented in the history of Rome. He also stood out for the reforms he imposed on the Roman army authorizing the recruitment of landless citizens and reorganizing the structure of the legions he divided into cohorts.


The answer is B


I got it correct on my exam

Can someone help me please


1 simple
2 complex
3 compound
1 is simple 2 is complex and 3 is compound