Which Latin American independence leader surrendered his army and was branded a traitor by Simon Bolivar, who handed him over to the Spanish? A. Francisco de Miranda B. Jose de San Martin C. Father Hidalgo D. Bernardo O'Higgins


Answer 1
Answer: Francisco de Miranda

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They all had absolute rulers who built strong central governments


Spain ,France and Russia were ruled by a monarch during the 1500s and 1600s.

The monarchs were solely responsible for decision taking and such decisions couldn't be contested.

The ruler of these countries also built strong central governments.

They experienced long periods of peace.
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They all had absolute rulers who built strong, central governments.

• The Thirteenth Amendment • The Fourteenth Amendment
• The Fifteenth Amendment

The three items listed above are called the Reconstruction Amendments. What was the main purpose of these three amendments?

A. to punish the southern states for seceding
B. to admit three more states into the Union
C. to free and grant basic rights to slaves
D. to rebuild cities that the war had destroyed


C. To free and grant basic rights to slaves, the 13th amendment abolished slavery, the 14th amendment gave slaves US citizenship, and the 15th gave slaves the right to vote


warlord is correct


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The speaker of the House is the official who succeeds the president if he dies in office and the vice president is unable to assume the role. Option C is correct.

In the case that the president can no longer serve, the vice president would succed him.However, if the vice president is unable to serve, the line of succession falls to the speaker of the House, then to the Senate president pro tempore, and then to Cabinet members.

C. Speaker of the House