Do you think moving factories close to cities helped or hurt working life?


Answer 1
Answer: Both, helped because it made it easier for workers to get to the factory. But hurt because it might have made pollution and taken up too much city space.

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The development of feudalism occurred in response to the fall of the Roman Empire in the 5th century, the rise of Christianity in Europe and the rise of the Barbarian Kingdoms. The Roman Empire was discharged by the Visigoths that led to the arrival of the feudalism in the society. 

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B. When the government doesn't protect their natural rights
C. When government officials don't leave office
D. When a king doesn't protect their natural rights


The correct answer is this one: "B. When the government doesn't protect their natural rights." According to the Declaration of Independence, when the government abuses its power and when the government doesn't protect their natural rights, the people should change it or even overthrow it.  As the Declaration says, “it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it.” 

Please help !!!!!!!!!!!


Use the app of answer key i think thats how its called

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The United States, because the steel mining was exploding better than germany       

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the rebellion of high tea costs and the dumping the tea into the boston harbor,

prices for the tea was too much for people to get because of the unfair mindset of the sellers.

Concentration camps were


 The ones in nazi germany were used to house to house thousands of jewish pows (the number varied from camp to camp). They were forced to do all kinds of jobs like hauling rocks, fixing fences, and anyone who was to slow would be shot. The strong ones were given more responsibility. (they were called camp commandos). People were either burned in the ovens or they were lead to the showers were they were gassed.
hope i helped.