A is a soldier that it hired for pay by a foreign state.


Answer 1
Answer: A is a soldier that it hired for pay by a foreign state is often referred to as a "mercenary" since they are simply hired to help the state in question carry out military objectives. 
Answer 2




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To keep freed black people from voting, Southern state legislatures: gave black people phony ballots reinstated slavery passed black codes instituted poll taxes and literacy tests


To keep freed black people from voting, Southern state legislatures "instituted poll taxes and literacy tests". Sometimes they would also intimidate them with violence.


The correct answer is: "instituted poll taxes and literacy tests"


The 15th Amendment to the Constitution was passed in 1870, allowing freed black people to vote in the elections.

Since Southern states legislatures could not prevent black people from voting legally, the established poll taxes and literacy tests.

Poll taxes were used to charge voters to excercise their right to vote. Since black people were mainly low class, this was a fee they could not afford.

Literacy test prohibited illiterated people to vote. Since most of the freed slaves did not know how to read and write, this prevented them from voting as well.