What effect will a virus in the lysogenic cycle have on an organism?


Answer 1

The effect of a virus on the organism in the lysogenic cycle depends on several factors, such as the type of virus, the host cell, and the immunity of the host.

What is a lysogenic cycle?

In the lysogenic cycle, the virus is integrated into the DNA of the host cell and remains dormant for a longer period of types. The virus DNA replicates along with the host DNA, causing no direct harm to the host cell. However, the presence of viral DNA can cause long-term consequences to the host, such as cancer.

In some cases, a virus in the lysogenic cycle, when integrates into the DNA of the host, becomes active and enters the lytic cycle, where the virus DNA replicates rapidly and causes severe harm to the host cell which can lead to serious health consequences to the host cells.

Therefore, the effect of the virus on the host cells depends on a number of factors, such as the type of the virus and the host, and also the immunity of the host.

Learn more about the lysogenic cycle here:



Answer 2

Answer: It will have no direct effect on the organism.



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