What planet is it impossible for humans to land on


Answer 1
Answer: It would be impossible for people to land on Jupiter, Saturn or Uranus.
Answer 2
Answer: Jupiter,Saturn,and Uranus because they are referred to as the gas giants.Hopefully this helps

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1 Newton
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30 newtons


Which statement describes between a cup if cold water and a cup of boiling water


The thermal energy keeps these two changing their temperature over time. 

The surrounding temperature (environment) clearly effects the cold water AND the boiling water. 

Eventually, both would reach an equilibrium in temperature. 

What is the root word for organelle a. elle
b. anelle
c. org
d. organ
please help
12 points


A root word is the basic word before you add a prefix or suffix.
So the root word of organelle is d.organ
the answer is D - organ
hope this helps

1)A cyclist travels ¾ of a circular track from A to b as shown in figure. The radius of the circular track is 400 m. Calculate the displacement and distance travelled by the cyclist.PLEASE SHOW ALONG WITH STEPS(1)

2)Two objects having their masses 3:5 are acted upon by two forces.The forces are in the ration of 5:3. find the ration in their accelerations.


3) A man pushes a box of mass 50 kg with a force of 80 N. What will be the acceleration of the box due to the force? what would be the acceleration if the mass were doubled?


4) How does the force of gravitation between two objects change when the distance between them is reduced to half.


5) Explain what happens to the force between two objects if:
A) the mass of one object is doubled?
B) the distance between the object is tripled.


6)How will the equations of motion for an object moving with a uniform velocity change?


7)The force of attraction between two bodies is 20N. Calculate the force between them when mass of each body as well as the distance between them are halved.



1).  Distance is the length of the path he traveled.  That's 3/4 of the circle.

Displacement is the length between where he started and where he ended.
That's 1/4 of the circle.

The circumference of a circle is  (2 pi) · (the circle's radius) .

2).  Force = (mass)·(acceleration)            F = M·A
This is a very important formula.  You should memorize it. 
Whenever you see a problem that has force, mass, and
acceleration in it, this is the formula you need.

If you need to find acceleration (like in this problem),
divide each side by (mass), and then you have
                        Acceleration = (force) divided by (mass) .

First object:  Mass=3,  Force=5.  Acceleration= 5/3 .

Second object:  Mass=5,  Force=3.  Acceleration= 3/5 . 

The question is asking for the ratio of these forces.

3).  Guess what !        F = M · A .

Divide each side by Mass, and then you have

                 Acceleration = (force) divided by (mass)

                                       =  (80 N)  /  (50 kg)  =  ?

If the mass were doubled, it would be

                                           (80 N)  /  (100 kg)  =  ?

4).  The force of gravity changes opposite to the distance between
the objects.  That's why the Earth pulls on us harder than Jupiter does.
The farther apart things are, the WEAKER gravity pulls them together.

How fast does the gravity force decrease ?
It decreases with the SQUARE of the distance.
That means . . .
-- If the distance changes to 3 times as far, the force becomes 1/3² = 1/9 .
-- If the distance changes to 2 times as far, the force becomes 1/2² = 1/4 .
-- If the distance changes to 1/3 as far, the force becomes (3²) = 9 .
-- If the distance changes to 1/2 as far, the force becomes (2²) =  ?

5).  A). The force of gravity increases as much as the PRODUCT of
the masses increases.
If one mass is B and the other mass is D, then the force calculation
has 'B·D' in it.  If one of the masses doubles, then the calculation
has '2·B·D' in it.  How much did the original force change ?

5). B).  This was all covered in the discussion of #4).

6). 'Uniform velocity' means the object is moving in a straight line
with a constant speed.  Its speed is not changing, and its direction
isn't changing either.
If a little tiny physicist is riding inside that object, there's NO TEST
he can do that can show him that he's moving.  He has all of the SAME
laws of motion that any other physicist has, who's moving in any other
direction with any other constant speed.

7).  Their masses are 'B' and 'D'.   The original product is 'BD'.
When each mass is cut in half, they'll become B/2 and D/2.
Their product will become  BD/4 .
That change alone will change the force to 1/4 of what it was originally.

If the distance between them is cut in half, then the force
changes to (2²) = 4 times what it was originally.

So the combined effect of all these changes at the same time
is that the new force is exactly equal to the original force.

5) Consider pushing a 50.0 kg box through a 5.00 m displacement on both a flat surface and up aramp inclined to the horizontal by 15.0°. In both cases, you apply a force of 100.N parallel to the
surface (parallel to the floor or parallel to the ramp). Calculate the work done by:
a) the gravitational force as the box is pushed across the flat ground
b) the gravitational force as the box is pushed up the ramp
c) the force you apply as the box is pushed across the flat ground
d) the force you apply as the box is pushed up the ramp


a) The work done by the gravitational force on the flat surface is zero

b) The work done by the gravitational force on the ramp is -634 J

c) The work done by the applied force on the flat surface is 500 J

d) The work done by the applied force on up along the ramp is 500 J



The work done by a force is given by the equation

W=Fdcos \theta


F is the magnitude of the force

d is the dispalcement of the object

\theta is the angle between the direction of the force and of the displacement

In this problem, we want to calculate the work done by the gravitational force as the box is pushed across the flat ground.

We immediately notice that the gravitational force acts downward, while the displacement is horizontal: therefore, the angle between force and displacement is 90^(\circ); this means that cos 90^(\circ)=0, and therefore, the work done is zero:



In this case, the box is pushed along the ramp. We have:

F=mg=(50.0)(9.8)=490 N is the magnitude of the force of gravity, where

m = 50.0 kg is the mass of the box

g=9.8 m/s^2 is the acceleration of gravity

d = 5.00 m is the displacement of the box along the ramp

The ramp is inclined to the horizontal by 15.0^(\circ), therefore the angle between the force of gravity and the displacement of the box (moving up along the ramp) is:


Therefore, the work done by gravity in this case is:

W=(490)(5.00)(cos 105^(\circ))=-634 J


In this case, we want to calculate the work done by the force you apply as the box is pushed across the flat ground.

Here we have:

F = 100.0 N (force applied)

d = 5.00 m (displacement of the box)

\theta=0^(\circ) (the force is applied parallel to the flat surface, therefore force and displacement have same direction)

Therefore, the work done by the force you apply on the flat ground is:

W=(100.0)(5.00)(cos 0^(\circ))=500 J


In this last case, we want to calculate the work done by the force you apply as the box is pushed up along the ramp.

This time we have:

F = 100.0 N (force applied is the same)

d = 5.00 m (displacement of the box is also the same)

\theta=0^(\circ) (the force is applied parallel to the ramp, therefore force and displacement have again same direction)

Therefore, the work done by the force you apply while pushing the box along the ramp is:

W=(100.0)(5.00)(cos 0^(\circ))=500 J

Learn more about work:




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