Which of the following domains contains the common advanced plants, animals, and fungi?A. Protist
B. Bacteria
C. Eukarya
D. Archaea


Answer 1

It would be "C.Eukarya" (I don't speak English, I hope it's okay)

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Which kingdom(s) include organisms that are autotrophic or heterotrophic?



I hope this will help you:)


Autotrophic organisms are found in kingdom planted

Heterotrophic organisms are found in kingdom animalia

Kingdom monerans has some organisms like Cyanobacteria that can carry out photosynthesis so they are autotrophswhile the other main category of monerans is not capable of photosynthesis so are heterotrophs so this kingdom includes both o gains s

Kingdom protist are heterotrophs and autotrophs because some can prepare food while others cannot

Kingdom fungi has some organisms that can carry out photosynthesis like algae

while other are heterotrophs


de kingdoms where de aiutotrophs nd heterophic belong is known to be bacteria..there is also kingdoms where in dey r also autotrhoic nd dis is plantae kingdom also dere r kingdom there r only hetetrpohs nd these r animalia nd fungai

During a rainy spring, where are you most likely to find surface runoff



On a sloped parking lot


Surface runoff can be referred as the flow of water, that occurs when the excess water flows from the storm water, melt water, flood, rain streams and rain fall. The fast moving water current takes along with it superficial layers like surface and sub- surface layers of soil. Hence, causes water erosion of soil. The slope parking lot will favor, surface runoff more likely than in a grassy prairie, mulched flower bed, or in a sand pit because the slope will provide a surface for free flow of water. There are chances that water gets absorbed by the soil in the grassy prairie, mulched flower bed and sand pit. Whereas the slopy surface of parking lot will not allow the water retention by soil, instead will accelerate the flow of water.

(Hopes this helps!)


there is only one surface in which we can run off in rainy season and that is room


steffie matt

What is the final product of the Calvin cycle


The answer is glucose

The function of the Calvin cycle is to take CO2 from the air and bond it together to form the molecules that will make the sugar glucose. This process is called carbon fixation . The actual result of the Calvin cycle is not glucose, a 6-carbon sugar, but another molecule called G3P. G3P is an abbreviation for glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate. This molecule is later converted by other chemical reactions into glucose.

It was in my lesson.

Why do allele frequencies give us genetic variation



why are The more variation a population has, the better its ability to adapt to changes in its environment through natural selection. If there is more variation, the odds are better that there will be some alleles already present that allow organisms to survive and reproduce effectively under the new conditions


The three basic skills needed for effective communication are


1. speaking
2. listening
3. body language


Listening. One of the most important aspects of effective communication is being a good listener. ...

Non-Verbal Communication. ...

Be Clear and Be Concise. ...


What are mechanisms of action of Triclosan and Povidone?



Povidone: its action is produced by oxidation and inactivation of cellular components.

Triclosan:  is absorbed by intact skin which determines its persistence and its speed of action is intermediate.



- It presents the same mechanism of action and spectrum of iodine.

- It is a water-soluble compound that results from the combination of iodine and polyvinylpyrrolidone, which improves the solubility of iodine and allows its gradual release into tissues. This effect determines less skin irritation and greater product availability over time.

- The term "available iodine" refers to the amount of iodine available as a reservoir and that of free iodine to the percentage in solution in working condition, that is, a 10% povidone iodine solution, contains 1% of available iodine and the iodine concentration Free is 1 to 2 parts of a million that remains until the available iodine is depleted. This product advantage is lost when diluted in water, since in these circumstances it behaves as an aqueous solution of iodine.

- Its activity can be diminished by the presence of blood or other organic matter.

- The concentrations commonly used as a surgical scrubber are 7.5% and 8% and in the one used for cures it is 10%.

- In relation to tincture of iodine or lugol, it presents less dermal irritation. They should be used with caution in newborns and burned

- Its antiseptic action is classified between high level and intermediate level. They are lethal in minutes for bacteria, fungi, viruses, protozoa, amoeba cysts and spores. However, in front of dry spores it requires a longer exposure time (hours).

- Iodized antiseptics have the advantage of being cheap.


- It is a relatively new phenolic derivative that acts causing damage to the cell wall of microorganisms. It is broad-spectrum bacterial, better for Gram + and there is little information about its activity in viruses.

- It is absorbed by intact skin which determines its persistence and its speed of action is intermediate.

- No allergenic or mutagenic effect has been demonstrated in short periods of use.

- Its activity is minimally affected by organic matter.

- The concentrations of usual use are between 0.3% and 2%.

- It is mainly indicated for clinical handwashing where it is used in 1% breads and in 0.5% liquid preparations.