94. What impact does Rajam's ability to speak good English have on the other in the class? Do you think knowing English buts person at an advantageous position in India?


Answer 1

Some classes despised ramans ability to speak English where as others praised him. knowing how to speak English, in some places came so huge advantage in India because most of the people in that place probably don't know English but in other developed places in India knowing English is not that advantages as one should have experience to gain a successful position in India.

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My strength or weakness???

the term ________ refers to the use of words that name a particular sound, such as hiss, and is sometimes used in poetry


The term onomatopoeia refers to the use of words that name a particular sound, such as hiss, and is sometimes used in poetry.
Onomatopoeia is one of the figures of speech that makes words out from sounds of objects or animals. These sound words represent what is being described or talked about. For example, "Bow-wow, the dogs bark" or "Ding-dong, the bells are ringing." Onomatopoeia is commonly used in poetry such as in William Shakespeare's The Tempest and Silence of the Lambs by Thomas Harris.

Which is not characteristic of an epic?a.The epic hero is simply "average" so that readers can better relate to him or her.
b.The subject matter deeply reflects the culture that produced it.
c.The hero visits an unreal or supernatural world.
d.Epics usually involve some sort of resurrection.
e.All of the above are features of an epic.



The subject matter deeply reflects the culture that produced it.


Epic is a genre that is highly associated with the heroic deeds of legendary characters. It always impacts the moral belief system of readers. The cultural impact of these long narratives is really high. It shapes the morality with the dealing of godly characters and the consequences faced by the hero for his misdeeds. This imparts a self-assessment to the readers to think about their actions and hence, assisting in the reformation of their beliefs. Homer's 'Iliad' and Odyssey are known as the greatest epics, are quite reflective of this thought.

Why were other prisoners trying to comfort Wiesel on the day of the second selection?


On the day of the second selection, other prisoners were trying to comfort Wiesel because his father was part of the second selection.

During the first selection day, Wiesel and his father both thought they had cleared the selection. Wiesel's friends say that he ran so fast they couldn't even read his number. His father also thought he was in the clear until the next morning when he was told to stay behind in the camp for the second selection. Elie Wiesel was required to go to work, but everyone felt sorry for him, including the Kapo who assigned him an easier job. They all thought that Wiesel's last time seeing his father was that morning before they left.

Other prisoners are trying to comfort Wiesel on the day of the second selection because Wiesel was worried his father would be killed. The prisoners felt sorry for him. 

Night (Title of the story above) is a work by Elie Wiesel on his experience with his father in the Nazi German concentration camps (Auschwitzand Buchenwald in 1944–1945).

Which word in the sentence does the adverb clause modify? Although you cooked one cup of rice, it expanded to three.
a. expanded
b. cooked
c. rice
d. three


In the sentence, the modified adverb clause isletter C: rice

Adverb clauses or phrases are group of words usedin shifting or adding meaning of a verb, clause, adjective, or another adverb.These clauses can be used if: firstly, a sentence contains a subject and apredicate. Secondly, when a subordinate conjunction is used and thirdly, if itanswer the ‘adverbial questions’ – when, why, when and how. It is also furthercategorized to time, place, manner, degree, condition, concession and reason

Choose the sentence which contains an indirect object. A. I spent it immediately.
B. I worked hard each day.
C. They gave me a bonus.
D. It is difficult to save money.


The correct answer is option C.

In "they gave me a bonus" the pronoun "they" is the subject, "gave" is the verb conjugated in Simple Past Tense, "me" is theindirect object, and "a bonus" performs the syntactic function of the direct object.

The pronoun "me" is the recipient of the action of giving a bonus.

The correct answer is C. They gave me a bonus.

This is because "me" is an indirect object as it shows to whom was something done, rather than what object was being used.