Two DNA fragments are separated by gel electrophoresis. Check all of the statements that are true of the DNA fragment that traveled less far in the gel1. The DNA fragment has a higher molecular weight.
2. The DNA fragment has a lower molecular weight.
3. The DNA fragment has a higher positive charge.
4. The DNA fragment has a higher negative charge.


Answer 1


Boom, here are the correct answers:

- 1. The DNA fragment has a higher molecular weight. (heavier molecules move slower through the gel)

- 3. The DNA fragment has a higher positive charge. (more charge = more interaction with the electrical field)

- 4. The DNA fragment has a higher negative charge. (again, more charge = slower movement)

- 2 is FALSE! Lower molecular weight DNA fragments move faster through the gel, so the fragment that traveled less far in the gel actually has a higher molecular weight.

Answer 2

Final answer:

The DNA fragment that traveled less far has a higher molecular weight.


The DNA fragment that traveled less far in the gel has a higher molecular weight. Gel electrophoresis separates DNA fragments based on their size, with larger fragments traveling a shorter distance. Therefore, option 1 is correct.

Learn more about Gel Electrophoresis here:


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Answer: starvation dieting


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Dr. Besson has invented a drug that she believes will be an effective treatment for migraines. If the drug is truly safe and effective, she may become quite rich, so she has a strong financial incentive to conduct research that proves that the drug is safe and effective even if it isn't. What aspects of the scientific process will tend to decrease the likelihood that she will publish low-quality research that mistakenly concludes that the drug is safe and effective?


The aspect of the scientific process that will decrease the likelihood of publishing low-quality research is : Statistical hypothesis testing

Statistical hypothesis testing

Statistical hypothesis testing is used to determine the conclusion from two different, conflicting hypothesis ( i.e. null and alternate hypothesis ).

This testing is carried out on a determined sample of the population and the difference between the sample and the null hypothesis determines if the results from the the statistical hypothesis testing will be accepted or not, because the null hypothesis is true. i.e.

  • If the difference between the result and the null hypothesis is insignificant the drug is safe and effective.  if not
  • The drug is not safe and effective.

Hence we can conclude that The aspect of the scientific process that will decrease the likelihood of publishing low-quality research is : Statistical hypothesis testing

Learn more about statistical hypothesis testing :


statistical hypothesis testing


The  new drug must be evaluated by statistical tests in order to  compare this it with a control (i.e. a placebo).  This comparison must be statistically significant to accept the hypothesis that the drug is effective. The statistical significance in these tests is very important since it is the only way to accept a hypothesis with confidence that it is true. If Dr. Besson doesn't get that, their drug will hardly be released.

On the other hand, proving that the drug is safe (i.e no harmful side effects) implies more research and is more difficult to prove.

Use the models that you created in Lesson 2, Lab 1 to help you answer the following question. How does an increase in cell volume impact the diffusion of materials through the cytoplasm?


The cytoplasm is a thick, liquid residing between the cell membrane holding organelles.

The larger the cell, the longer time it takes for materials to travel.

Is how an increase in cell volume impacts the diffusion of materials through the cytoplasm.

Increasing the cell's volume would reduce the efficiency of the diffusion of materials through the plasma membrane into the cytoplasm of the cell. 

On the other hand, increase the surface area and decreasing the volume oft the cell would increase the rate of diffusion across the plasma membrane.

Which best explains how Deng Xiaoping modernized industry in China?A. He allowed private businesses to operate.
B. He encouraged production goals for factories.
C. He allowed capitalism in new economic zones.
D. He introduced rules favorable to factory owners.


Option C i.e He allowed capitalism in new economic zones is the correct answer.

Deng Xiaoping was a great politician and economist reformer who modernized industry in China by allowing capitalism in certain districts which were free trade zones. This made industrialists to invest more in industries which lead to the modernization of  industrial sector in china.

He allowed capitalism in new economic zones. hence option C is the correct answer.

What was Deng Xiaoping's political philosophy?

The job facing China's leadership, according to Deng, was twofold: I fostering economic modernization in China, and (ii) maintaining the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) ideological unity and control over the arduous reforms necessary by modernization.

Deng Xiaoping was a brilliant politician and economist reformer who helped modernize China's industries by introducing capitalism in specific free trade zones. This encouraged manufacturers to spend more in their businesses, resulting in the modernization of China's industrial sector.

Learn more about Deng Xiaoping here:


This type of reproduction produces variety in species.Sexual reproduction
Asexual reproduction


Sexual Reproductions (i.e. Meiosis)

In Meiosis you have a crossing over stage in prophase I, which will result in the exchange of genetic material + the random assortment at metaphase 1 and 2 increases the variety.

There is approximately 10 billion different ways that a child can look from a mixture of the paternal and maternal genes due to all the random events that happen in meiosis/ sexual reproduction.

Answer:Which process produces the most variation within a species?

A. Asexual Reproduction

B. Sexual Reproduction

C. Mitosis

D. Cloning


B/Sexual reproduction

Which of the following changes igneous or sedimentary rock into metamorphic rock? A.) heat and pressure
B.) heat and weathering
C.) water and weathering
D.) water and pressure


The answer is letter a. Being subjected to immense heat and the experience of pressure due to being far below the Earth's surface can change igneous or sedimentary rocks to metamorphic rocks.

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The formation of metamorphic rocks takes place when either sedimentary or igneous rocks are subjected to immense pressure and heat.

Further Explanation:

Rocks are found on earth as metamorphic, sedimentary, and igneous. The name is based on how these rocks are formed. The shells, sand particles, and pebbles form the sedimentary rocks. These particles are called sediments and their accumulation into layers results in the formation of rocks as they gradually harden over time. The igneous rocks are formed as a result of cooling followed by hardening of magma under the Earth's surface. The metamorphic rocks are formed due to metamorphosis which takes place below the surface of the Earth as a result of application of heat and pressure.

The change of one rock type into another over a period of time is termed as metamorphosis or rock cycle. The increase in pressure and heat due to stress can change a solid rock into a new type of rock. The temperature increases because of the deeper buried layers of sediments below the Earth's surface. As the layers descend the temperature increases gradually for every proceeding kilometer. The temperature becomes even hotter as the layer turns deeper. As the weight of every subsequent layer increases, it also increases the pressure which in turn causes a further increase in temperature.

Metamorphism can occur in two ways:

1. The rocks come in contact with each other as the plates slide over one another producing a shearing effect. This causes the descending rocks to change.

2. The descending rocks might also melt due to friction. The melted is considered as the igneous rock but the rock adjacent to it might become a metamorphic rock due to the production of heat.

Learn More:

1. Learn more about prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells

2. Learn more about eukaryotic cells

3. Learn more about DNA and RNA

Answer Details:

Grade: Higher secondary

Subject: Biology

Chapter: The Rock Cycle


Rock cycle, types of rock, sedimentary rock, igneous rock, metamorphic rock, magma, Earth’s surface, metamorphosis.