Explain how an EVEN PARITY Circuit would be created and show the EVEN PARITY TRUTH table. Please do this in multisim


Answer 1



Creating an even parity circuit in Multisim involves designing a digital logic circuit that checks if the number of '1's in a binary input is even. If the input has an even number of '1's, the circuit should output '1' (indicating even parity); otherwise, it should output '0' (indicating odd parity).

Here's how to create an even parity circuit in Multisim, along with the truth table:

**Creating the Even Parity Circuit:**

1. Open Multisim and create a new blank schematic.

2. Add the following components to your schematic:

  - Input pins (for binary input bits)

  - XOR gates

  - An AND gate

  - An inverter (NOT gate)

  - Output display (LED or probe)

3. Connect the input pins to the XOR gates. Each input pin corresponds to one bit of the binary input.

4. Connect the outputs of the XOR gates to the inputs of the AND gate.

5. Connect the output of the AND gate to the input of the inverter (NOT gate).

6. Connect the output of the inverter to the output display.

7. Label your input pins for clarity (e.g., A0, A1, A2, ...).

**Designing the Even Parity Truth Table:**

To create the truth table for even parity, you'll need to list all possible input combinations (binary numbers) along with the corresponding output (even or odd).

Assuming you have a 3-bit input (A2, A1, A0), here's the truth table:

| A2 | A1 | A0 | Output (Even Parity) |


| 0  | 0  | 0  | 1 (Even)              |

| 0  | 0  | 1  | 0 (Odd)               |

| 0  | 1  | 0  | 0 (Odd)               |

| 0  | 1  | 1  | 1 (Even)              |

| 1  | 0  | 0  | 0 (Odd)               |

| 1  | 0  | 1  | 1 (Even)              |

| 1  | 1  | 0  | 1 (Even)              |

| 1  | 1  | 1  | 0 (Odd)               |

Each row in the truth table represents a unique combination of input bits (A2, A1, A0) and specifies whether the output is '1' (Even) or '0' (Odd).

Once you have created the circuit in Multisim and designed the truth table, you can simulate the circuit to verify its functionality. Ensure that the circuit produces the expected output (even parity) based on the input values.

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Answer: The average velocity will be 0 m/s.


Average velocity is defined as the fraction of displacement and total time.

\text{Average velocity}=\frac{Displacement}{\text{total time}}

In the given question, it states that the person stops at the same point from where it started, which means that the displacement of this person is 0 meters.

Therefore, the average velocity becomes:

\text{Average velocity}=\frac{0}{\text{total time}}=0m/s

Hence, the average velocity will be 0 m/s.

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The horizontal velocity is constant at 16 m/s.

After 1 sec since v = a t then 9.8 m/s^2 * 1 sec = 9.8 m/s for the vertical velocity

V = (Vx^2 + Vy^2)^1/2 = (16^2 + 9.8^2)^1/2 = 18.8 m/s