Find the noun in the sentence: "There are nine players on a basketball team."


Answer 1

Final Answer:

The noun in the sentence is "players."


In the sentence "There are nine players on a basketball team," the noun is "players." Nouns are words that represent people, places, things, or ideas.

In this sentence, "players" represents the individuals who make up a basketball team. It is a concrete noun as it refers to tangible, countable entities – the individuals who actively participate in the sport.

Additionally, the sentence contains other nouns such as "team" and "basketball," but the specific noun requested is "players." It is essential to identify and recognize nouns in a sentence as they play a fundamental role in conveying information and forming the core elements of sentences.

Learn more about noun


Answer 2


The noun in the sentence "There are nine players on a basketball team" is "players."

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document guidelines is the correct answer

Final answer:

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