The standard unit for density is g/cm3 or g/mL.


Answer 1
Answer: it’s g/cm3 for solids & liquids, and g/ml for gases

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OP already did it - CONGRATS!!

here are the steps 2 get the same ans:

(NH4)2 CO3 has 2x N, 8x H, 1x C and 3x O per molecule

so its molecular mass = 2x14 + 8x1 + 1x12 + 3x16



of that 96g, 8x1=8g is due to Hydrogen

so by ratio n proportion, 1.00g will have 1x8/96 = 1/12g = 0.083g of H

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false, nonmetals do not make up the largest grouping of elements on the periodic table
The answer is false metals make up the largest group

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the percent by mass is0.613

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pressure or heat 
all of this can change the form of rock to another

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because Na has one too many electron to be stable, while Mg has 2. once they loose those electrons, they will be come ion. loosing one electron will give the ion a 1+ charge, and loosing 2 will create a 2+ charge

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The answer is d. Since, carbon can form four covalent bonds it can react with other elements to create other organic compounds. The atomic number doesn't prove anything about organic compounds. The atomic number only says what is the charge of the element.
B) Carbon has anatomicnumber of 6
hope it helps
Hugs ~L