One technique for avoiding a collision with an oncoming vehicle entering your lane would be toA assume lane position 2.
B focus on the center line to the left.
C assume lane position 3.
D assume lane position 1
Drivers Ed


Answer 1




if u take ur eyes off the center line u wont know where ur gouing when the drivers gonna hit u

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nepotism in the workplace is no good (basically given favoritism to family / friends in a work place even though they might not even be good at the job anyway companies who do this could be at risk of getting sued also lower employee moral , get accused of favoritism , risk of family feuds and consider fellow employees incompetent so hope this helps 

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B) hippocampus
C) thalamus
D) reticular formation


The answer would be B. Hippocampus

Which is the most valid generalization to be drawn from the study of Prohibition in the United States?a. Social attitudes can make laws difficult to enforce.
b. Increased taxes affect consumer spending.
c. Morality can be legislated successfully.
d. People will sacrifice willingly for the common good.


The Prohibition failed: the people found other ways to produce and transport alcohol and it only turned the alcohol market into one more dangerous and one that is not bringing taxes into the budget. If it had succeeded, we could say that c. Morality can be legislated successfully, but it failed, so the correct answer is: a. Social attitudes can make laws difficult to enforce. (since it didn't have anything to do with the increase of taxes)

Answer:  D)social attitudes can make laws difficult to enforce

Explanation: Despite the attempts by the government to get people to act a certain way, the ‘Noble Experiment’ failed miserably. The government realized that people’s desire to make an informed and social decision that was long-established was going to negate its efforts to criminalize alcohol.

Can you lie with maps?
A) Yes
B) No


A.yes true you can lie with maps.

Explain why there has to be a balance in the carbon cycle.



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