12. A salt used as a fertiliser has the empirical formula H4N2O3.Suggest the formulae of the ions present in this salt


Answer 1

Final answer:

The formula H4N2O3 represents a salt containing ammonium (NH4+) and nitrate (NO3-) ions. These ions are often present in fertilisers because they effectively deliver nitrogen to plants.


The empirical formula H4N2O3 represents a salt used in fertilisers and it contains hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen. In this salt, the ions present are the ammonium ion (NH4+) and the nitrate ion (NO3-). Hydronium and nitrogen dioxide might also be present in the compound. However, the most relevant ions are generally the ammonium and the nitrate ions, because they are often used in fertilizers due to their abilities to effectively deliver nitrogen to plants.

Learn more about Chemical ions here:



Answer 2
Answer: The empirical formula H4N2O3 suggests that in this salt, there are two nitrogen (N) atoms, three oxygen (O) atoms, and four hydrogen (H) atoms. To determine the formulae of the ions present, we can consider that hydrogen usually forms H+ ions, while nitrogen can form N3- ions, and oxygen can form O2- ions.

Based on this, the formulae of the ions present in this salt could be:

- Cation: H+
- Anions: N3- and O2-

So, the salt might consist of H+ cations and a combination of N3- and O2- anions, depending on the specific compound.

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The Nernst equation allows us to predict the cell potential for voltaic cells under conditions other than the standard conditions of 1M, 1 atm, 25°C. The effects of different temperatures and concentrations may be tracked in terms of the Gibbs energy change ΔG. This free energy change depends upon the temperature & concentrations according to   ΔG = ΔG°  +  RTInQ  where ΔG° is the free energy change under conditions and Q is the thermodynamic reaction quotient. The free energy change is related to the cell potential  Ecell by ΔG= nFEcell

so for non-standard conditions
              -nFEcell = -nFE°cell  + RT InQ

              Ecell  =  E°cell - RT/nF (InQ) 

which is called Nernst equation.


n and lnQ - doubled

Q - Squared

E, Edegree - No change

Of the following reactions, which one produces oxygen gas?Fermentation
Anaerobic respiration
Aerobic respiration



The correct option is: D. Photosynthesis


Photosynthesis is a biological process in green plants by which food such as sugar (like glucose C₆H₁₂O₆), is synthesized from water (H₂O) and carbon dioxide (CO₂) from the atmosphere, in the presence of light energy. This process produces oxygen gas (O₂) as a by-product.

This reaction converts the light energy from the sun to chemical energy.

The reaction involved is: 6 CO₂ (g) + 6 H₂O + light → C₆H₁₂O₆ (s) + 6 O₂ (g)

Photosynthesis is the only process among the given options, that produces oxygen gas.

the answer is photosynthesis

A voltaic cell spontaneously converts chemical energy to(1) electrical energy (3) mechanical energy
(2) geothermal energy (4) nuclear energy


1 - Electrical energy
A voltaic cell is an electrochemical cell that generates electricity through redox reactions.

(1) electrical energy is your answer.

A sample of gas confined in a cylinder with a movable piston is kept at constant pressure. The volume of the gas doubles when the temperature of the gas is changed from(1) 400. K to 200. K (3) 400.°C to 200.°C
(2) 200. K to 400. K (4) 200.°C to 400.°C


When the pressure is constant, the temperature and volume of the gas has ratio relationship: V1/T1= V2/T2. And the temperature using unit of K. Then we can get the answer is (2) 200 K to 400 K.

An atom of oxygen is in an excited state. When an electron in this atom moves from the third shell to the second shell, energy is(1) emitted by the nucleus
(2) emitted by the electron
(3) absorbed by the nucleus
(4) absorbed by the electron


An atom of oxygen is in an excited state. When an electron in this atom moves from the third shell to the second shell, energy is emitted by the electron. Hence, option B is correct.

What is an atom?

 The smallest piece of stuff that still retains its characteristics is an atom. A gold atom, for instance, is the smallest piece of that element that will still retain all of gold's properties and behaviors. When an atom is disassembled into its component parts, the subatomic particles found inside each have special characteristics that are not at all similar to those of the element the atom represents. Protons, neutrons, and electrons are the three different subatomic particle kinds.

The electron that transitioned from a higher to a lower level felt the change in energy level. Since the nucleus is unaffected, its energy levels are unaffected as well. Since it requires more energy to keep an electron at a higher energy level than a lower one, the shift in energy levels indicates that the electron released some energy.

To get more information about Atom :



The change in energy level was experienced by the electron that moved from a higher to a lower level. This does not affect the nucleus, so the nucleus itself does not change energy levels. It takes more energy to hold an electron at a higher than a lower energy level, so the change in energy levels means that some energy was released by the electron, and this is choice (2).

Substances made of two or more elements which are not chemically bonded are known as


Substances that are not chemically bonded are mixtures.