Which of these means "long verse poem"? A.haikai b.zoku c.kigo d.chōka


Answer 1
Answer: haiku is the long verse poem

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Birds have a keen sense of _____ and rely on this sense the most.





Birds have a much sharper vision than humans. In fact, they enjoy the ability to see the ultraviolet rays (UV rays), which for humans is impossible without the use of equipment. The eyes of a bird accounts for about 15% of their whole head (unlike Human eyes, which are about 2% of a humans head).

birds have a seen keen sense of sight and rely on this sense the most 

Hope this helps!! :D

2. Why are the names of the previous lodgers familiar to Billy? What do these people seemto have in common? Explain:


The name is because it a famous

Final answer:

The names of the previous lodgers familiar to Billy are of famous historical figures who were involved in criminal activities and were hanged. They include people like Burke and Hare.


The names of the previous lodgers are familiar to Billy because they are famous historical figures. These people seem to have a common trait of being involved in criminal activities, as Billy's previous lodgers have all been hanged. For example, the names of two previous lodgers mentioned in the story are Burke and Hare, who were infamous for killing people to sell their bodies for anatomical studies.

Learn more about Familiarity of previous lodgers to Billy and their common trait here:



Which answer best summarizes the events from the poem contained in the following lines?"Then came to the building the warrior marching,
Bereft of his joyance. The door quickly opened
On fire–hinges fastened, when his fingers had touched it;
The fell one had flung then—his fury so bitter—
Open the entrance."

A. Beowulf opens the door of the mead–hall and finds Grendel waiting.
B. Grendel arrives and rips open the door of the mead–hall.
C. Beowulf keeps the door of the mead–hall closed as Grendel tries to enter.
D. Grendel tries to break down the door of the mead–hall but fails.


. Grendel tries to break down the door of the mead–hall but fails.

In which sentence is a homophone used correctly?a. If you ask me, there's no hobby like fishing.
b. Karen's new dog had flees.
c. The old miner was lost in the dessert.
d. How many ours do we have to wait?


A.) Correct.
B.)Karen's new dog had "fleas."
C.)The old miner lost in the "desert."
D.) How many "hours" do we have to wait?
a. If you ask me, there's no hobby like fishing.

b - fleas - not flees
c - desert - not dessert
d - hours - not ours 

Under the _______ Amendment, you have the right to know the charges brought against you and to question witnesses who bring evidence against you. A. First
B. Fifth
C. Second
D. Sixth


under the sixth Amendment, you have the right to know the charges brought against you and to question witnesses who bring evidence against you

Odysseus kindom is called


Odysseus (called Ulysses in Latin) was the son of Laertes and was the ruler of the island kingdom of Ithaca.