What right does the declaration of independece express


Answer 1


The Declaration of Independence expresses several important rights:

1. The right to life: The Declaration recognizes that all individuals have the inherent right to life, meaning they have the right to live without their life being unjustly taken away.

2. The right to liberty: It states that people have the right to be free and make choices about their lives, as long as they do not infringe upon the rights of others.

3. The right to pursue happiness: The Declaration recognizes that individuals have the right to seek happiness and fulfillment in their lives, pursuing their own interests and goals.

4. The right to equality: It emphasizes that all people are created equal, regardless of their race, gender, or social status. This principle rejects the idea of inherited privilege or superiority.

5. The right to self-government: The Declaration asserts that governments derive their power from the consent of the governed. It promotes the idea that people have the right to participate in the decision-making process and to establish a government that protects their rights and interests.

These rights, as expressed in the Declaration of Independence, formed the foundation for the American Revolution and the subsequent development of the United States. They continue to be fundamental principles of American democracy and have influenced the development of human rights globally.

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"B.) Before the steamboat, trade along the Mississippi could move only in one direction" is the best option, since the strong currents in the Mississippi River made travel easy in only one direction. 


Before the steamboat, trade along the Mississippi could move in only one direction.


a). Without the steamboat, trade was conducted across roads that were overcrowded

b). Before the steamboat, trade along the Mississippi could move only in one direction

c). Until Fulton began using steam, only gas-powered boats could move along the Mississippi

d). Prior to Fulton, boats were too small to carry large numbers of passangers

Your Correct Answer is B

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Answer: c.increasing profits.

Cartels, monopolies, trusts, as well as horizontal and vertical integration all share the goal of increasing profits, which is the main goal of almost any business strategy. However, they are slightly different in their approaches. Monopolies and horizontal and vertical integration try to decrease competition in order to increase the portion of the market that a producer has access to. Cartels operate in a similar way. However, they require cooperation with other producers, as opposed to individual action.

c. incresing profits

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In the business cycle, the one that always follows immediately after a contraction is:



It would be a trough that succeeds shortly after a contraction in a business cycle. Moreover, it is called a "local minima" wherein it displays one of the weakest points taking place in a business cycle. What follows the rapid would be expansion wherein the business begins to rise again.

usiness cycles are defined by the boom in one period and breakdown in the following period in the financial activities of a country.

During the trough phase, the business activities of a country deterioration under the average level. In this state, the growth rate of an administration becomes uninterested. In addition, in the trough phase, there is a fast drop in national income and expense.

Following the Contraction in a business cycle, Expansion always follows this. Expansion is when the business begins to pick back up again, following a time of tough trading.
Hope this helps :)

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it provides guidelined for congress to make international laws. The answer is C
Hope this helped
The answer to this question is C

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The dictionary helps to standardize how words are used.


The dictinary provides a common meaning for the words, but the language evolves with the usage, and every person speking a language modifies it, dictionaries and academies of the language the only thing that do is create a common meaning the society gives to the words. But it does not try to change the language nor standardize it it just records it.