terracing of hillside is most often used for? A) decoration B) agriculture C) honoring a god or gods D) protection from invaders


Answer 1

Terrace is regarded as the piece of the sloped plane actually cut into pieces and Terracing of hillside is most often used for agriculture Option(b) is correct.

What does terracing means?

A terracing is a landform comprising of a slope edge organized as a component of sub-equal "step-like groupings" of such edges. terracing happen on step slopes and are consistently divided.

One clarification holds that terracing are framed when immersed soil particles grow, then agreement as they dry, making them move gradually downhill. An illustration of this is the trough close to the White Horse.

It might likewise be portrayed as a little, sporadic step-like development on steep hillslopes, particularly on those utilized for field which are shaped by soil creep or disintegration of surface soils exacerbated by the stomping on of domesticated animals like sheep or cows.

Equivalents are dairy cattle terracing, sheep or steers track. Early examiners like C. Darwin (1904) accepted that creatures brushing the slopes terracing caused them however further assessment uncovered spots where  unexpectedly finished at steep stone appearances or at soils.

Therefore Option(b) is correct.

Learn more about terrace here:



Answer 2

Terracing of hillside is most often used in B. agriculture.

Hope this helps. :)

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