European Exploration & Settlement: QuestionsIf you were looking for a place to establish a new community, what factors would you consider? Using the list below and any other ideas you have, rank the factors, by rewriting them below, from most important to least important.
fresh water source
fertile land
friendly neighbors
mild climate
near a river or ocean
near a forest
an area suitable for defense or spotting enemies
other (list any ideas that come to mind)

Write a paragraph explaining your choice for the most important and least important factors.


Answer 1

Freshwater Source: Access to a reliable freshwater source would be the most crucial factor. Without clean water, survival and agriculture would be severely compromised.

Fertile Land: Fertile land is essential for agriculture, providing a sustainable food source for the community.

Near a River or Ocean: Proximity to a river or ocean facilitates transportation, trade, and access to additional food sources through fishing.

Mild Climate: A mild climate is important for the well-being of the community, as extreme conditions can be challenging to adapt to.

Friendly Neighbors: Friendly neighbors can foster cooperation, trade, and a sense of security in the new community.

Near a Forest: Forests can provide resources like wood for construction and fuel, but they are slightly less critical than factors like water and fertile land.

An Area Suitable for Defense or Spotting Enemies: While defense is important, it's less vital initially compared to ensuring basic survival needs are met.

Other: This category would include any additional factors specific to the region, such as the presence of valuable resources or proximity to trade routes.

In summary, freshwater is the most critical factor, as it is fundamental to survival. On the other hand, factors like friendly neighbors and defense become more relevant after the immediate needs of water, food, and shelter are addressed.

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D) Centrino


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By Bob Kowalski

Would you go to the ends of the earth to see a bird? What if it were a really special bird: one with beautiful feathers, an entrancing call, or a silly dance? What if seeing that one special bird would allow you to win a contest?

If that contest doesn't get you on television or win you any cash prizes, would you still do it? For those who participate in the "Big Year," the honor of beating the previous record is the only reward they get or even want.

A "Big Year" is a year in which a person attempts to see as many different species of birds as possible within a particular region. For most in North America who participate in a "Big Year," this region is the lower 48 American states, plus Alaska, Canada, and a couple of French islands off the Canadian coast.

You may be thinking that looking at birds is silly, but just think about the numbers of the recent record holders and the commitment it takes to get these numbers. One recent "Big Year" winner managed to see 744 birds in one year, missing the record by just one bird. Big Year birders travel by train, plane, boat, car, bicycle, and of course, by foot. They can cover over 150 thousand miles to get numbers of sightings this high. They can also spend a small fortune.

Just to clarify, the birds these contestants are counting are the number that they see in a particular year. You see, the contest is based on an honor system. No pictures or other evidence is required as proof of a sighting. Most birders take great pride in their reputation and their abilities to see or hear and then identify a bird. Usually, important sightings of the rare birds needed to get counts in the 700s are visited by hundreds of birders. It is pretty hard to cheat your way to a record-breaking year, but in general, few are interested in cheating.

This honesty comes from the fact that most people who want to break such a record know the greatest rewards are not necessarily in winning. Such rewards are in being able to commit a year of your life to doing something you love. Rewards are found in seeing amazing, inspiring creatures like the California Condor or the Magnificent Frigate bird. Rewards also come in spending time with people who, like you, want to spend their time looking to the skies and trees for glimpses of emerald, crimson, or cerulean blue feathered jewels.

You don't have to be able to travel a continent to have a big birding experience though. Have a big month. Or a big weekend. Set a personal record, learn to identify the species that live in your part of the world, or try to learn the calls of just two species of birds. You will soon find looking at birds isn't such a strange way to spend your time.

Extra! Extra! Backyard Birding
Many schools, families, and young birders across the country participate in the "Great Backyard Bird Count." While not as long as a "Big Year," the "Great Backyard Bird Count" happens every year. It depends on birders and families across the country to watch feeders and other areas in their yards and count the number of birds they see. Unlike the "Big Year," the goal is not to see who can count the most birds. Instead, participants in this event work together to help bird experts get a good idea of how birds are doing. Participants are given checklists and enter their sightings on a website. Called a "citizen-science" project, this event is open to anyone, requires no travel, and happens every year over one weekend in February.

Which of the two events described would be best for a beginning birder? Use details and information from the article to explain your choice.


The Great Backyard Bird Count. I think this would be the best option for a beginning birder because, in the article, it states that "the event is open to anyone, requires no travel, and happens every year over one weekend in February." This means that it is a much less exclusive and intense bird sighting event. A beginning birder would probably not be experienced enough to properly invest and enjoy the experience
The first one because it gives you more information about what to do and where can you do it and son on.
 While the other one is bascily for people who already do bird sighting but didn't know there was a day for it. 

Hope I helped you lots!!! :3

Which of the following is NOT a branch of government concerned with United States foreign relations?a. the United States military
b. the United States State Department
c. United States intelligence agencies
d. the United States Department of the Interior


The correct answer is D.

The United States Department of the Interior is a federal executive department responsible for the  management and conservation of most federal lands and natural resources. It also deals with problems related to all types of Native Americans.

This department is administered by the Secretary of the Interior who is a member of the President's cabinet. This department deals with domestic issues only.

All the rest of the examples above deals with national and foreign policy at the same time.

D. The United States Department of the Interior

Survey researchers have to worry about response rate, the number of surveys that are returned compared to the number that are sent out. If only half of a sample completes a survey, that would be an insufficient response rate.True or False.




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