We never eat out, since restaurant food is expensive. what is the independent clause?


Answer 1


we never eat out


Answer 2


"we never eat out" is the independent clause


independent clauses can be separated to form a complete sentence

"since restaurant food is expensive" is not a proper sentence, it is a dependent clause

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the excerpts from Harrison bergeron that best illustrates irony is : "he is a genius and an athlete, is under-handicapped, and should be regarded as extremely dangerous
The irony is when someone that someone that is almost perfect is under-handicapped

hope this helps

Answer: he is a genius and an athlete, is under-handicapped, and should be regarded as extremely dangerous.


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D. is the correct answer.
Hope this helps and have a good night! :3

Poetry can make use of: _____. Select all that apply.


I am assuming that the question actually reads: Poetry can make use of ____. 

1. Rhyme2. Prose3. Paragraphs4 Rhythm
Select all that apply.
Poetry can make use of Rhyme, Prose, Rhythm and Paragraphs. Prose poetry is poetry that looks like prose but is actually poetry. Prose poetry also contains paragraphs. It tends to focus on images and contains poetic meter and rhyming words. Standard poetry, on the other hand is written in verse, contains image driven metaphors, and consists mainly of poetic meter which is rhythm and rhyming meter. 

Final answer:

Poetry utilizes various elements such as style elements (diction, imagery, figurative language), aspects of characters, plot or setting, rhythm, simile, symbols, and themes. Moreover, the use of rhyme schemes and the organization of composition are crucial in crafting effective poetry.


Poetry can make use of numerous elements and techniques. These include but are not limited to: style elements such as diction, imagery, or figurative language, as well as different aspects of characters, plot, or setting.

Moreover, poetry can also incorporate rhythms, the rise and fall of stressed sounds within sentences or stanzas, and similes, which are indirect comparisons of unlike things using the words 'as' or 'like'.

Poems often make use of symbols, objects that represent themselves and something else at the same time, to provide a deeper layer of meaning. We can also identify the theme in a poem, which is the central meaning or thesis of the text. The use of rhyme schemes such as the familiar ABAB pattern is another common feature in poetry.

Similar to other literary forms, creating effective poetry involves the careful use of language to convey meaning, maintaining coherence through the use of transitions, and considering the needs of the audience in the crafting of a composition. All these elements together create a unique signature for each poem.

Learn more about effective poetry here:



1.In Mindy’s creative writing class, she learned to use the words “like” or “as” to make a direct comparison between two unlike ideas. Which figure of speech did Mindy learn about?personification

2.When someone reads a novel and writes a review with opinions about the work, this is a type of _____

research report.
literary analysis.

3. Which of the following describes theme?

the meaning behind events and characters’ actions
a central message about life
explanations about how the actors sound and behave
writing that is vague and uncertain

4.Read the passage.

Tania is one of the smartest people in her biology class. Everyone calls her the Einstein of high school science.

Which figure of speech, or literary device, does the author use in the passage?

extended metaphor

5.Molly is reading a story. She is surprised by the way the author presents new and unexpected comparisons between unlike subjects. Which figure of speech is the author using?


6. Steve read two myths. One told the story of a woman whose curiosity led her to open a forbidden box. She disobeyed the order to leave the box untouched. When she opened it, all kinds of pain and evil were released into the world.

He read another myth in which the origin of pain, suffering, and struggle is attributed to a woman who disobeyed an order to avoid eating the fruit from a special tree.

Which of the following could be true about the cultural context of the two myths?

The tellers of the first myth were peaceful people, whereas the tellers of the second myth were aggressive warriors.
One culture values obedience but the other does not.
Neither culture was concerned with the origin of pain or suffering.
Women may be considered more susceptible to weakness or wrongdoing in both cultures.

In the short story, “Like the Sun,” by R.K. Narayan, the central character, Sekhar, decides to be completely honest in all things, even if it hurts other people’s feelings. On this same day, his boss, who is a terrible musician, asks Sekhar to listen to him perform and evaluate his talent. Because he has decided to be honest, Sekhar must tell his boss the truth.

Which literary device is the author using?


8.Lucy is studying for a test on literary devices. In her notes, she comes across the following definition:

an idea that is played down or treated casually

Which literary device does the definition describe?


9. Hannah read two transgression myths—myths in which a character violates an important societal rule.

In the first myth, the character who commits a transgression is killed by the gods. In the second myth, the character becomes the father of a cursed race of people.

Hannah needs to compare and contrast these two myths. She has written that “those who violate the rules will be punished with death.” Which of the following is true of this observation?

It applies to the first myth only.
It applies to the second myth only.
It applies to both myths.
It applies to neither myth.


1.In Mindy’s creative writing class, she learned to use the words “like” or “as” to make a direct comparison between two unlike ideas. Which figure of speech did Mindy learn about?

2.When someone reads a novel and writes a review with opinions about the work, this is a type of _____

literary analysis.

3. Which of the following describes theme?

the meaning behind events and characters’ actions

4.Read the passage. 

Tania is one of the smartest people in her biology class. Everyone calls her the Einstein of high school science.

Which figure of speech, or literary device, does the author use in the passage?

extended metaphor

5.Molly is reading a story. She is surprised by the way the author presents new and unexpected comparisons between unlike subjects. Which figure of speech is the author using?


6. Steve read two myths. One told the story of a woman whose curiosity led her to open a forbidden box. She disobeyed the order to leave the box untouched. When she opened it, all kinds of pain and evil were released into the world. 

He read another myth in which the origin of pain, suffering, and struggle is attributed to a woman who disobeyed an order to avoid eating the fruit from a special tree. 

Which of the following could be true about the cultural context of the two myths?

Women may be considered more susceptible to weakness or wrongdoing in both cultures.

In the short story, “Like the Sun,” by R.K. Narayan, the central character, Sekhar, decides to be completely honest in all things, even if it hurts other people’s feelings. On this same day, his boss, who is a terrible musician, asks Sekhar to listen to him perform and evaluate his talent. Because he has decided to be honest, Sekhar must tell his boss the truth.

Which literary device is the author using?


8.Lucy is studying for a test on literary devices. In her notes, she comes across the following definition: 

an idea that is played down or treated casually

Which literary device does the definition describe?


9. Hannah read two transgression myths—myths in which a character violates an important societal rule.

In the first myth, the character who commits a transgression is killed by the gods. In the second myth, the character becomes the father of a cursed race of people.

Hannah needs to compare and contrast these two myths. She has written that “those who violate the rules will be punished with death.” Which of the following is true of this observation?

It applies to both myths.

im pretty sure it applies to the first myth only

Could you guys explain this more? I have a test on this and I have no idea what it means....


So a Villanelle is a form of poetry from France. In it, there are Tercets, which are stanzas (the little paragraphs in poems) of three sentences. There are 5 of them in a Villanelle.
Now, the final stanza (not one of the Tercets) is called the Quatrain.
The Quatrain the first and third lines tie together. The basically make up the heart of the poem.

What line from Act III of Hamlet supports the conclusion that Shakespeare is critical of actors?



The correct line is: "Oh, it offends me to the soul to hear a robustious periwig-pated fellow tear a passion to tatters."


Here, Hamlet is offering up a criticism of actors, whom he describes as "robustious" and "periwig-pated," meaning he feels actors are pompus and wig-wearing.

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