Swinging a tennis racket against a ball is an example of a third class lever.
Please select the best answer from the choices provided.


Answer 1

Final answer:

Swinging a tennis racket against a ball as a third class lever in physics.


Swinging a Tennis Racket as a Third Class Lever

A tennis racket swinging against a ball is indeed an example of a third class lever in physics. In a third class lever, the effort is situated between the fulcrum and the load. In this case, the effort is provided by the player's hand gripping the racket handle, the fulcrum is the wrist joint, and the load is the ball being struck by the racket.

When a player swings the racket, the force applied by the player's hand exerts an effort on the handle of the racket. This causes the racket to rotate about the wrist joint acting as the fulcrum. The ball serves as the load, receiving the force and accelerating in the opposite direction.

Learn more about Third class lever here:


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took the test


A.) Sunny


What two statements are true about energy transformations



First statement:

Energy can neither be created nor destroyed.

Second statement:

Energy can be converted from one form to another.


According to the law of conservation of energy:energy can neither be created nor destroyed but can be converted from one form to another

The concentration of Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) in a river just downstream of a wastewater treatment plant’s effluent pipe is 75 mg/L. If the BOD is destroyed through a first-order reaction with a rate constant equal to 0.05/day, what is the BOD concentration 50 km downstream? The velocity of the river is 15 km/day.



The BOD concentration 50 km downstream when the velocity of the river is 15 km/day is 63.5 mg/L


Let the initial concentration of the BOD = C₀

Concentration of BOD at any time or point = C

dC/dt = - KC

∫ dC/C = -k ∫ dt

Integrating the left hand side from C₀ to C and the right hand side from 0 to t

In (C/C₀) = -kt + b (b = constant of integration)

At t = 0, C = C₀

In 1 = 0 + b

b = 0

In (C/C₀) = - kt

(C/C₀) = e⁻ᵏᵗ

C = C₀ e⁻ᵏᵗ

C₀ = 75 mg/L

k = 0.05 /day

C = 75 e⁻⁰•⁰⁵ᵗ

So, we need the BOD concentration 50 km downstream when the velocity of the river is 15 km/day

We calculate how many days it takes the river to reach 50 km downstream

Velocity = (displacement/time)

15 = 50/t

t = 50/15 = 3.3333 days

So, we need the C that corresponds to t = 3.3333 days

C = 75 e⁻⁰•⁰⁵ᵗ

0.05 t = 0.05 × 3.333 = 0.167

C = 75 e⁻⁰•¹⁶⁷

C = 63.5 mg/L

Final answer:

The BOD concentration 50 km downstream from the wastewater treatment plant is approximately 15.865 mg/L.


To calculate the BOD concentration 50 km downstream, we need to consider the rate of dilution due to the flow of the river and the first-order reaction that destroys BOD. The concentration of BOD downstream can be calculated using the equation C2 = C1 * exp(-k * d/v), where C1 is the initial concentration, k is the rate constant, d is the distance, and v is the velocity of the river.

Plugging in the given values, we have C2 = 75 * exp(-0.05 * 50/15), which gives us a BOD concentration of approximately 15.865 mg/L 50 km downstream from the wastewater treatment plant.

Learn more about downstream here:



If a barometer reads 772 mm hg, what is the atmospheric pressure expressed in pounds per square inch?


I think it would be 15.23 not so sure but
hope this helps! (:

The Sun delivers an average power of 1150 W/m2 to the top of the Earth’s atmosphere. The permeability of free space is 4π × 10−7 T · N/A and the speed of light is 2.99792 × 108 m/s. Find the magnitude of Em for the electromagnetic waves at the top of the atmosphere. Answer in units of N/C.



E=930.84 N/C


Given that

I = 1150 W/m²

μ = 4Π x 10⁻⁷

C = 2.999 x 10⁸ m/s

E= C B

C=speed of light

B=Magnetic filed  ,E=Electric filed

Power  P = I A

A=Area=4πr²  ,I=Intensity


I=(CE^2)/(2\mu_0 C^2)

E=\sqrt{{2I\mu_0 C}}

E=\sqrt{{2* 1150* 4\pi * 10^(-7)(2.99792* 10^8)}}

E=930.84 N/C

Therefore answer is 930.84 N/C

Final answer:

To find the magnitude Em of the electromagnetic waves at the top of the earth's atmosphere, we use the intensity of electromagnetic wave and solving the equation Em = sqrt(2Icμo), we can find the magnitude of Em in units of N/C.


To find the magnitude Em of the electromagnetic waves at the top of the Earth's atmosphere, we use the fact that the power received per unit area is the intensity I of the electromagnetic wave. According to the given information, this intensity is 1150 W/m2. The relationship between the intensity and electromagnetic fields is given by the equation I = 0.5 * E²/c * μo. Solving for Em, we get Em = sqrt(2Icμo), where μo = 4π × 10-7 T N/A² is the permeability of free space and c = 2.99792 × 10⁸ m/s is the speed of light.

Subbing in the given values, we can compute Em as:

Em = sqrt[2 * 1150 W/m² * 2.99792 × 10⁸ m/s * 4π × 10-7 T N/A²]

This computation will give the strength of the electric field at the top of the earth’s atmosphere in units of N/C.

Learn more about Electromagnetic Waves here:



Air is a good conductor of heat. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F


If air were a good conductor of heat" then soup will not stay hot for longer because this time convection+conduction will both help to transfer heat away from soup. Because conduction is the transfer of heat through a substances as a result of neighbouring vibrating particles, The particles in air are far apart.

the answer is false. Hope this helps