how are metamorphic rocks formed? do metamorphic rocks look like the preexisting rock from which they form?


Answer 1

Answer: They began as another type of rock, and they form when the rock is subjected to high-pressure or high-heat.


Metamorphic rocks can sometimes look like their pre-existing rocks, but it's not common.

Answer 2

Final answer:

Metamorphic rocks are formed when sedimentary or igneous rocks are changed through extreme heat and pressure. They maintain some features of their original form but also acquire new characteristics due to the transformational process. Hence, they may or may not resemble their preexisting form.


Metamorphic rocks are formed when sedimentary or igneous rocks are subjected to extreme heat and pressure, altering them physically and chemically, a process known as metamorphism. This process occurs within Earth's crust due to geological activity that carries surface rocks down to tremendous depths and then returns them to the surface. Hence the term metamorphic, which means 'changed in form'.

Unlike primitive rocks which have not experienced significant heat or pressure, metamorphic rocks have undergone these transformative processes. As an example, a block of quartzite is the result of multiple transformations, starting as primitive earth material, becoming igneous rock through heating, then sedimentary rock through chemical transformation and redeposition, and ultimately metamorphic rock when subjected to the intense heat and pressure beneath the earth's surface.

As for the appearance, metamorphic rocks often maintain some features of their original pre-metamorphic condition while also taking on new characteristics as a result of the metamorphic process. This means they may bear some resemblance to their original form, but will also have distinctly different features. For example, quartzite which was formed from sandstone will have a harder, denser structure and yet often retains some semblance of its layered, sandy look.

Learn more about Metamorphic Rocks here:


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To learn more about  coral reefs here:


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The correct answer is - cools, moves to the side, and sinks, making a circular pattern.

The mantle convection is the one responsible for the movement of the tectonic plates, as well as for the destruction, recycling, and creating of new crust on the surface of the Earth.

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