How do restriction enzymes precisely cut bacterial plasmids to produce "sticky ends"? Make sure you discuss how the restriction enzyme identifies the target DNA sequence in the plasmid and name the enzyme that "cuts" the DNA.


Answer 1

A 'sticky' end is produced when the restriction enzyme cuts at one end of the sequence, between two bases on the same strand, then cuts on the opposite end of the complementary strand. This will produce two ends of DNA that will have some nucleotides without any complementary bases.Answer:


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When the cell excretes sodium from within, against the natural tendency of matter, it is performing _____. passive diffusion facilitated diffusion active transport pinocytosis


The process of moving sodium against the natural equilibrium of the cells is described as active transport pinocytosis. This drives the bilogical system at the level of the cell that is known as the sofium pump.

When the cell excretes sodium from within, against the natural tendency of matter, it is performing active transport.

Active transport is the movement of substances across a membrane from a region of lower concentration to a region of higher concentration against its concentration gradient or other impeding factor. When the cell excretes or transports something against its concentration gradient, active transport is required. Active transport uses either energy or electrochemical gradient.

Pumps move substances ____________ a concentration gradient, a process that requires energy. Channels instead provide the means to move a substance ____________ a concentration gradient. Neurons contain the following major types of channels: • Channels that are always open, allowing continuous diffusion of a specific ion from a region of ____________ concentration to a region of ____________ concentration are leak channels. • Channels that are normally closed that open in response to the binding of a ____________ are chemically gated channels. When open, they allow a specific ion to ____________ across the plasma membrane. • Channels that are normally closed, but open in response to changes in ____________ across the plasma membrane are voltage-gated channels. When open, they allow a specific ion to diffuse across the membrane.


The answers to the blank spaces are: against, with, higher, lower, ligand, flow, membrane potential. All answers stated respectively .

What is concentration gradient

The difference between two areas' concentrations of a material is referred to as a concentration gradient. It is the difference in concentration over a certain distance, usually between two areas of different concentrations. It could be a molecule, an ion, or another type of chemical compound.

Traveling "against" the concentration gradient entails traveling from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration, while moving "with" the concentration gradient entails doing the opposite.

Learn more on concentration gradient here:


against, down, high, low, ATP, diffuse, charges

How many years to double between 2 billion and 4 billion?


I think it’s 44 years


2 billion


Because 2 billion plus 2 billion is 4 billion hope this helps :)

A client's blood pressure drops from 120/76 to 90/60 mm Hg as soon as positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) is initiated for the treatment of hypoxemia. What is the most likely cause of this decrease in blood pressure?



Decrease in cardiac output


Blood pressure may be defined as the pressure exerts by the artery on the walls during the blood flow. The systolic pressure is used for the calculation of the blood pressure.

The blood pressure depends upon the cardiac output, heart beats and rate of the blood flow. The cardiac output is the volume of blood pumped in the body per minute. The decrease in the cardiac output will ultimately results in the decrease in the blood pressure.

Thus, the correct answer is decrease in cardiac output.

Why is the scientific method described as nonlinear?a. The steps of the scientific method are repeated in a cycle.
b. Scientists often repeat one or more steps several times.
c. Sometimes scientists forget to perform some of the steps.
d. The steps can be performed only once but in any order.


The correct option is B.

The scientific method refers to the technique which scientists used to carry out scientific investigations about observed phenomenon. The scientific method is made up of many steps and the steps are described as non linear because, scientists sometimes have to repeat some of the steps several time in order to ensure that they are on the right track. Repetition is very important in scientific investigations; it is used to ensure that the results obtained are accurate and bias is minimized.

The scientific method is described as nonlinear because scientists often repeat one or more steps several times. The correct option among all the options that are given in the question is the second option or option "b". I hope this is the answer that has come to your desired help.

Which of the following tastes may be detected at very low concentration?sweet


The correct answer is bitter.

People have very strong negative reactions when it comes to a bitter taste. Most of the substances like toxins have bitter taste. The ability of the taste buds to taste the bitter substances shows evolutionary history. The taste has evolved because most of the substances that are harmful to the human beings are bitter in taste. The substances such as alkaloids, drugs, medicines, quinine, caffeine and nicotine have bitter taste. These tastes are not very common to the taste buds so they are detected at very low concentrations.

The taste which we can detect already at very small concentrations is salty taste.

The reason why we have a special affinity for tasting bitter things. The reason why we can taste bitter things at extremely low concentrations is because potentially dangerous compounds can be bitter and it made evolutionary sense for organisms to adapt to taste bitter things.