How does the brain size of humans compare to what is expected based on their body size? A) Human brain size is smaller than expected. B) Human brain size is larger than expected. C) Human brain size is exactly as expected. D) Human brain size is unrelated to body size.


Answer 1

Answer:  (B) is correct. Human brain size is larger than expected based on their body size compared to other primates.

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Final answer:

The burning of fossil fuels releases carbon into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas. This contributes significantly to the greenhouse effect and, consequently, global climate change. The situation is aggravated by deforestation, which reduces the Earth's ability to sequester carbon.


When fossil fuels are burned, carbon is released into the atmosphere in the form of carbon dioxide. Fossil fuels, such as coal and oil, are essentially the energy-rich remains of ancient plants that were formed millions of years ago. When we burn these fossil fuels, we are effectively oxidizing this stored carbon, releasing vast amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas that traps heat in our atmosphere, contributing significantly to the greenhouse effect. This effect has been increasing, especially due to the heavy reliance of modern industrial societies on burning fossil fuels for energy.

Moreover, this process of releasing carbon into the atmosphere is accelerated by the widespread destruction of forests. Forests, particularly tropical ones, are essential in extracting carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and replenishing our oxygen supply. The increase in carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere has accelerated over the past century, rising by about 30% and continuing to rise at more than 0.5% per year. Furthermore, these heightened levels of carbon dioxide are a central contributing factor to global climate change.

Learn more about Carbon Cycle here: