Which house do you think makes smaller states happy since all states will have EQUAL representatives?


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10. Napoleon sold the Louisiana Territory to the United States because heA. felt that the United States would be the best country to manage the land.B. didn't see any value in the Louisiana Territory.C. would have a hard time managing the land and needed the money for war in Europe.D. was forced to sell the land after losing a war to the United States.
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How did U.S. participation in World War I affect the American civilian population?


The US government created several temporary agencies that would manage the war effort. Lots of new jobs were created for war industries, such as food for the home front and for the soldiers. Young men were also conscripted to join the war.


When the United States decided to participate in World War I, the civilian population was severely impacted in several different ways.

The most obvious one was the fact that young men were enrolled in the Armed Forces. This affected their lives deeply. Many soldiers died, and the ones who did not were often deeply affected and traumatized.

This also led to families being separated and many women being left in a vulnerable position. During the war, women were forced to take on a more public and active role, and this contributed to the development of feminism.

In general, the provision of the treaty of Versailles focused mainly on


The provision mainly focused on punishing Germany for starting World War I and to sanction them for the cost of the war, and to limits Germany's Army size.

correct answer : The debt is too large and overwhelming for Germany to pay.

Who is considered to be the founder of modern public opinion polling


George Gallup is considered to be the founder of modern public opi In 1935 he founded the American Institute for Public Opinion

the founder of the annual medical science awards that are often called “america’s nobels” is also considered the founder of what field?


Albert Lasker is the founder of "America's nobles" and modern advertising. Lasker began advertising by using slogans, images, and new sales techniques. In doing this the advertisement became the salesman for the product. He was responsible for many successful campaigns and was willing to bring new products to market.

Which of the following would be the best title for this image? (4 points)The Effect of the Fifth Amendment
The Effect of Gideon v. Wainwright
The Effect of Miranda v. Arizona
The Effect of in re Gault


I would say it is The Effect of Miranda v. Arizona. & I say this b/c in the picture, the officers are telling the person his Miranda rights, the rights every police officer has to say before making an arrest to make sure that the individual knows their rights. Hope that makes sense & helps ! (:

miranda v wainwright i did the test on flvs

Where were the Aztecs told to build their capital?


According to a legend of a profecy, Aztecs were told to build their capital where they saw an eagle sitting on a cactus eating a snake. The city they chose to become their capital is Tenochtitlan. Nowadays that city which was buit on an island in what was then Lake Texoco, is the center of Mexico City.

Tenochtitlan was the capital of the Aztec Empire in the 15th century until it was captured by the Spanish in 1521

It is said that the Aztecs chose the site of their capital, Tenochtitlan, because of the presence of a bird perched on a cactus and eating a snake!!! (hope this helps)