Indirect characterization is __________ by the author. inferred implied directly given justified


Answer 1
Answer: Indirect characterization is implied by the author
Answer 2

implied is the answer :D

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It is false that agility refers to a person's level of flexibility. It has to do with speed and grace. 

It is false because that is not what agility is.

Which meaning of a word expresses the relationship between a linguistic event (speaking or writing) and a nonlinguistic event (an object, idea, or feeling)?



Semantic meaning.


As it is stated, the semantic or denotative meaning of a word makes reference to its properties and how they establish the way in which a word will be implemented in its language system. For example, saying "car" relates to a vehicle in which you get into, whereas saying "guitar" relates to an object used to make music.

Esquivel knows the story of maiz is a myth, so why does she warn her daughter not to step on a kernel of corn?


When Esquivel was a little girl, her family would tell her not to step on a kernel of corn. This is because corn was sacred.

When Esquivel grew up, she realized that this story was a myth, and that nothing bad would happen if she stepped on the kernel. However, she still taught the myth to her daughter because she saw it as a way to maintaining oral and cultural traditions alive.

I'd say that because in their culture maize is a symbol of fertility, and that the kernels are part of a ritual. 

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Critical listening will help you identify important information.

gradpoint- Critical listening will help you identify important information. hope this helps

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b. speaks
c. speaking
d. spoken


The mayor spoke to a crowd yesterday because the new city park has finally opened. 
Since it says yesterday, you have to use past simple tense, and the word spoke is the only one in the past simple tense.

9 Week 3 Writing Prompt - Bilingual Tests You are going to write a paragraph in English about your experience. • Your paragraph should include at least three complete sentences and should have a beginning, a middle, and an end. • Use descriptions, details, and examples to make your writing interesting. • Check your writing for correct grammar, capital letters, punctuation, and spelling. Prompt: Think about a time in your past when it was valuable for you to be bilingual. Who did you communicate with? How did knowing more than one language give you a linguistic advantage?]



Here is a sample paragraph responding to the prompt about being bilingual:

When I started middle school, I felt very insecure about my limited English skills. Having moved from Mexico just a year earlier, I struggled to keep up in my mainstream classes taught only in English. However, I discovered that I could leverage my native Spanish in my foreign language elective. Thanks to being bilingual, I quickly excelled in Spanish class. I helped tutor English-speaking students on vocabulary and grammar. My teacher often had me demonstrate proper pronunciation for the other students. I even was able to translate complex literature and poems easily. Being bilingual gave me a sense of pride and accomplishment during an otherwise challenging transition. I realized that my dual languages were an asset, not a shortcoming. My Spanish fluency allowed me to assist monolingual students in ways that they could not reciprocate. This experience built my confidence when interacting with English-dominant peers. I'm grateful that my bilingualism enabled me to find my footing in those early middle school years.


have nice day