Is the group of words a sentence or a run-on sentence? Guppies scatter whenever I step into the stream.
a. sentence
b. run-on


Answer 1
Answer: This is A, a 'sentence'. Because it doesn't need a punctuation, so its omission here doesn't make it a run-on sentence. 

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The correct answer is a. tries to convince the reader 

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I believe the answer is:

1. Ivan Ilyich wanted to weep, wanted to be petted and cried over, and then his colleague Shebek would come, and instead of weeping and being petted, Ivan Ilyich would assume a serious, severe, and profound air.

2. "This falsity around him and within him did more than anything else to poison his last days

From the first sentence, the narrator infer that even when a member of rising middle class is experiencing grief, they are forced to hide it due to the concern of their social standing.

From the second sentence, the narrator infers that unability to express emotion started to eating them from the inside and make them miserable.

How can what we bring into a novel affect the way we interpret the work?


Story's are meant to take us to a time and place to make us imagine and feel what the writer is trying to show us our make us feel. Writers have a talent for making things up or using there life as a story as one can sometimes relate to it and make you feel a certain way. I believe that is was makes a novel so special because people are suppose to feel and understand to grasp the full emotion of whats being read.

Which sentence is punctuated correctly? A. She is wearing a cardigan a sweater with buttons down the front. B. The final painting, a huge landscape, impressed me most of all. C. They live in Trenton, the capital, of New Jersey. D. Gwendolyn the woman on the stage wearing red, is the leading candidate.


The correct answer is B.
In A, u need a comma after cardigan.
In C, u need to take out the comma after capital
In D, u need a comma after Gwendolyn.
:D Hoped this helped:)

Which type of sentence is this and what punctuation should it have? The bus stop is two blocks from our house

interrogative, period

declarative, period

imperative, exclamation point

exclamatory, exclamation point
could someone please explain why it will be [said] answer i don't just don't want an answer


B. I say this because you are declaring or stating where the bus stop is. There is no exclamation or questioning in the sentence, so there should be a period.

I need to know if this is using correct dialogue, along with no grammar mistakes. Also, I need to know if I use the correct tenses, it is supposed to be in past tense, but I don't know if I did it correctly. I know it is long but it is very much appreciated if you could help. Sixth grade had just started, there were just two months until the big battle will happen at the end of October.
“Until then it’s focus on school work,” I told myself, but I couldn’t focus.
That battle was cemented in my head, all I could do was think about that battle. I still remember socializing with all of my friends about it, telling them how excited I was for when that day comes. Then finally, those two months were up, and I was so hyped when I had awoken until I found out that the battle had been postponed. I was so somber, I had been so eager to hear the results and now I have to wait; Now I have to wait another 3 months until the end of January for the battle to even happen, and who knows it could be postponed again. I figured there is some time before the battle happens so I will just focus on school and what I needed to get accomplished. I had completely forgotten about the battle, I had gone two months already focusing on my school work that I didn’t have time to think about the battle. Even during Winter Break when there was no school, I still didn't remember the battle, not even a glimpse in my mind.
Until, the night before the battle at dinner my dad stood up and he said, “No matter what happens tomorrow, just know that I love you!”
When that thought entered my mind, I couldn’t eat anymore and that night it was hard to fall asleep. There was so much nervous energy happening inside my body that I just could not doze off, no matter how hard I tried.
I was up that night praying, praying to God saying, “My lord and savior, please oh please do whatever it takes to win that battle.”
The next morning school was even harder to focus on that day, I couldn’t think straight my mind was only thinking about the battle that was going on, while I was stuck at school.
I thought to myself, “How is it going? Did my prayers work? What is the outcome?”
I just had to know, so once that bell rang for my sixth period to be over, I had to discover the results as soon as possible. Forgetting about my brother at the school, I sprinted home, as fast as it takes a person to look something up on google. Then when I got to the front door of my house I realized I had forgotten my brother at the school. So I ran back down to the school to get him. Once we came marching through that front door my dad was right there and he made us both settle ourselves down on the couch. He had that look on his face, the look of disappointment, the look of defeat. I couldn’t tell if he was bluffing or if he was really serious and we had lost the battle.
Then, he said the same thing as the night before, “No matter what happens, just know that I love you!”
He was building up suspense, I was thinking to myself, “C’mon dad that is it, tell me I want to know, please tell me, hurry!”
He said, “Boys…” then he stopped talking;
He started to weep, tears were running down his face. Then my step-mom came in the house holding a box. What could it be? She came over to the couch that my brother and I were sitting on and she opened the box very slowly in front of us. Then, it finally opened, inside the box, there was a chocolate cake and written on it in blue frosting on the top of it, it said, “Congratulations Jeremiah and Austin, we won!” The moment I had been waiting for since the first day of school finally happened and the result pleased me. My father had just won custody of my brother and me, and we couldn’t be any more delighted and joyous. We were so excited that we were bawling our eyes out; those tears of joy were a very special moment of my life, that I will hold onto forever. To this day I still live with my father and it has been the best 4 years of my life, and I couldn’t be any happier.


Okay. So. First of all, rlly nice story =D I'm glad you got what you wanted. Now, to the point.. at first, I started to list every point where i thought you can change, but to be honest, and i mean no offense when i say this, but i think itll take me a very long time and a printed out version to mark it up so i think ill jjust give u a couple of tips. I hope they help. 
- you dont exactly have  any main idea going... only after reading the entire thing did i understand what "the battle" was and why you were anxious to get the results. you should clarify in the beginning what it is youre talking abt. a sentence like " Sixth grade had just started, and already I had begun to lose focus. My brain seemed to constantly drift towards other, more important things; like the upcoming custody battle between my parents over my brother and I."
-dont use the same word over and over again. try not to use it more than twice in one paragraph, it becomes repetitive, and a little annoying to read. An example: 'That battle was cemented in my head, all I could do was think about that battle.', I would change the second "battle" to "it"... you can do the same to other sentences, just look up synonyms and replce them, itll mean the same thing.
- Also, words like "socializing" might be too strong a word to use.... you can put 'talking' lol... its important to remember that you dont always have to use big words, and especially  when youre writing a personal narrative, you should stick to ones you use on a day to day basis... save the big ones for formal essays :)
- the tenses seem to change throughout the story.... you start out correctly. in the past tense, and then u use a verb in the future tense, such as "will happen" 
- don't add details you dont need or dont support the main idea... like the part about forgetting your brother. its just a side detail. or u can change how u introduce that detail. instead of the two or three sentences about forgetting him, u can just write " I was so anxious and excited to find out what the results were that i forgot to pick up my younger brother on my way back home from school, and ended up having to go all the way back to get him, prolonging the suspense."
If you want more specific details on where to change exactly what, i suggest you go to someone in person, they might be able to help you more. Best of luck! 

Im sorry, I dont know you're answer. I just want the points!