What is the difference between conductors and insulators


Answer 1


Conductors and insulators are two types of materials that differ in their ability to conduct electrical current. Here are the key differences between conductors and insulators:


1. **Electrical Conductivity:** Conductors are materials that have high electrical conductivity. This means they allow the easy flow of electric charge, typically in the form of electrons. Metals like copper, aluminum, and silver are excellent electrical conductors.

2. **Free Electrons:** Conductors have a large number of free electrons that are loosely bound to their atomic structure. These free electrons can move easily when a voltage is applied, creating an electric current.

3. **Low Resistance:** Conductors have low electrical resistance, which means they offer little opposition to the flow of electric current.

4. **Used for Wiring:** Conductors are commonly used in electrical wiring and circuits to transmit electricity efficiently.


1. **Electrical Insulation:** Insulators are materials that have low electrical conductivity. They do not allow the easy flow of electric charge. Examples of insulators include rubber, glass, plastic, and wood.

2. **Tightly Bound Electrons:** Insulators have tightly bound electrons in their atomic structure. These electrons are not free to move, so they do not contribute to the flow of electric current.

3. **High Resistance:** Insulators have high electrical resistance, which means they strongly resist the flow of electric current.

4. **Used for Insulation:** Insulators are used to isolate and protect conductors in electrical systems. They are employed as insulating materials in wires, cables, and electrical devices to prevent electrical leakage and ensure safety.

In summary, conductors allow electric current to flow easily due to the presence of free electrons and low resistance, while insulators inhibit the flow of electric current because their tightly bound electrons and high resistance prevent the movement of charge. These differences make conductors suitable for carrying electricity, while insulators are used to insulate and protect conductive materials in electrical systems.

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(1) O2
(2) Xe
(3) C3H8
(4) KNO3


(1) O2  Is a Nonelectrolyte: because it does not ionize when dissolved in a solution

(2) Xe Is a Nonelectrolyte: because it does not ionize when dissolved in a solution

(3) C3H8 Is a Nonelectrolyte: because it does not ionize when dissolved in a solution

(4) KNO3 Is an electrolyte: because it ionizes when dissolved in a solution


Electrolytes are the substance whose aqueous solution conducts electricity. These are mainly two types:

1. Strong electrolytes

2. Weak electrolytes:

Strong electrolytes:

Strong electrolytes have following properties:

1. They are ionic compounds.

2. They are completely separates into their ions when dissolved in water.

3. In solution form they conduct electricity due to present of ions but in solid form means neutral molecule does not conduct electricity.

Weak electrolytes:

Weak electrolytes are partially ionizes in water.

In general strong electrolytes are strong acid  and  strong base while weak electrolytes are weak acid and weak bases.


The substance which does not ionize when dissolved in a solution is called non-electrolyte. It is a  poor conductor of electricity.

KNO3 is an electrolyte. The reason being it has low vapor pressure than water(at same temperature). All strong acids, strong bases and salts which are highly soluble make strong electrolytes. Hope it helps.

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